28.2. IPSH diagnostics and statistics

28.2.1. IPSH diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the IPSH resource the following commands are used:

d d ipsh / d de ipsh

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the resource.

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d d ipsh

RES:IpSh ----------------------------------------------------------------------

The meaning:


IP SHAPING driver state.:

  • DOWN - driver is down.

  • READY - driver is ready.

28.2.2. IPSH statistics

To display the statistics of the IPSH resource the following commands are used:

d s ipsh / d se ipsh

Show statistic information, such the number of IP datagrams analyzed sent/received, number of IP datagrams shaped due to IP shaping flow matching and those ignored because don't match.

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d s ipsh

RES:IpSh ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 8 days 00:45:46 ago, on 12/08/2024 at 12:45:51 -------------
       ANALYZED   | 1074258323|  816662721|SHAPED     |  142296296|  115705051|
       IGNORED    |  931962027|  700957670|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 3 days 07:54:17 ago») these counters show the number of:

ANALYZEDIncoming/outgoing packets received and being analyzed.
SHAPEDIncoming/outgoing packets analyzed and shaped.
IGNORED Incoming/outgoing packets unshaped.