Calls directed to VoiP Card can't be routed in transparent mode; internal clusters and route the calls trough packet voice resources.
Assume that:
Abilis has the following CTI ports configuration: ports 101 and 102 are toward the PBX;
internal cluster are already configured.
Type the following command to verify cti port group configuration:
[18:12:13] ABILIS_CPX:d ctig
ID: SCAN: RULE: PICKUP: |P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 |P6 P7 P8 P9 ...
|... P62 P63 P64
1 NO R ST |101 102 . . . |. . . . .
The following routings allow to route calls coming from a VoiP port (G1) toward the other VoiP port.
[18:22:32] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:3 type:ctov sr:clus2 poo:g1 coders:g.711 sp:64000 cdi:* sc:no dj:0 mj:40
COMMAND EXECUTED [18:22:56] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:4 type:vtoc poi:g1 ds:clus1 coders:g.711 sp:64000 cdi:3* next:u sc:no dj:0 mj:40
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) --------------------------------- ---+-----+-----------------+---------+--------------------+-------------------- PR |[DESCR] |TYPE |POI/SR [SR] |POO/DS |CDI |CDO ACT|NEXT |LAST |EEC |T301|CGI |CGO EDT|SP |SC |DJ |MJ |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI |SDO |SPOUT|SCOUT|DJOUT|MJOUT|LCS |LCST|SGI |SGO | |RGI |RGO |FMRLY|FAXSP|MODSP|FMLVL|ECM |UDT |IG |OG |SG |DL |DH |CODERS |CODERSOUT |TI1 .. TI5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 CtoV Clus2 G1 * * NO ANY NO Dft * * 64000 NO 0 40 Sys Sys * * NO Sys * * * * Sys AUTO AUTO Sys Sys NO Sys Sys Sys Sys Sys G.711 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 VtoC G1 Clus1 1* * UNLIMITED ANY NO Dft * * 64000 NO 0 40 Sys Sys * * NO Sys * * * * Sys AUTO AUTO Sys Sys NO Sys Sys Sys Sys Sys G.711 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 TR G1 G2 * u* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 TR G2 G1 * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The routing PR:4 routes calls coming from G1 ports to internal cluster Clus1, while the routing PR:3 accepts calls from internal cluster Clus2 and forwards them to toward the other VoiP port.