The address book is useful to associate names and numbers through a private and a public section. It can be used for the following purposes:
allow POTS phones to call a number available in the address book;
convert numbers to names in the notifications emails and user logs.
Address book administration is available from the HTTP interface and even from CP (through commands a/d/s/c contact).
Click Address book and the following page will be shown.
On the top left corner of the page there are two arrows which allow to browse the address book pages back and forward.
In the next section of the page there are various icons:
Abort call
Hold call
Transfer calls
Switch between calls
Send SMS
Abort call-try
Add new contact
Edit contact
Delete contact
Import / export address book
Contacts can be exported imported using csv files:
To add a contact click the add new contact icon
and follow these steps:
choose the type of contact (PRIVATE or PUBLIC)
fill the name field (from 1 up to 32 extended characters. Case is preserved)
fill the outdial field (Up to 8 digits. OutDial + Number cannot exceed 20 digits)
fill the number field (from 1 up to 20 digits. OutDial + Number cannot exceed 20 digits).
click submit to save the contact
Searching contacts can be done filling the text box. Javascripts permits a search-as-you-type operation. You can use special character thicking the checkbox advanced search.
Contacts can be sorted by name or number (Sort by listbox); the user can choose: to show only private/public contacts (show contacts listbox), the number of contacts per page (contacts per page listbox), the number of columns per page (Columns per page listbox).
The table on the center of the address book page shows the search results.
Click the button SMS to compose an sms to the correspondig user, filling number and message fields.
Double click on the contact to call him.
![]() | Tip |
Interesting part: Section 65.19, “How to configure CTISMS to send sms via emails”. |