55.3. Preferences

55.3.1. CTI preferences administration through Web interface

To set the user preferences through the web interface, see Section 53.6, “Preferences”.

To set the advanced rules, see Section, “Advanced rules”.

55.3.2. CTI preferences administration through CP

CTI prefereces are administrable both via web interface or via CP. The best choice is to use the web interface, but if you have to manage Abilis remotely via Telnet or SSH you need to know how to use the CP.

Use the following commands to administrate user CTI preferences:

  • d pref user[:<user>]: this command shows user preferences

  • d pref ctip[:<ctip>]: This command shows CTIP preferences when it is not assigned to a user, a limit set of preferences is available.

  • s pref user:<user> <par:><val> [<par:><val>] ...:This command sets one or more user preference.

  • s pref ctip:<ctip> <par:><val> [<par:><val>] ...: This command sets one or more preference for an unassigned CTIP.


[12:54:23] ABILIS_CPX:d pref user:test

Parameter:          | Value:
USER:                 test
ID:                   4                                             <Read Only>
LAST-CHANGE:          29/04/2011 16:01:55 CET                       <Read Only>
PWD:                  ***
CTIP-CLIP:            SYS
CTIP-CF-TOUT:         15
CTIP-CF-DLY:          10
CTIP-CF-CDO:          ux#
CTIP-CF-CGO:          *
CTIP-VM:              NO
CTIP-VM-TOUT:         15
CLUS-CLIP:            SYS
CLUS-CF-TOUT:         15
CLUS-CF-DLY:          10
CLUS-CF-CDO:          ux#
CLUS-CF-CGO:          *
CLUS-VM:              NO
CLUS-VM-TOUT:         15
IAX-CLIP:             SYS
IAX-CF-TOUT:          15
IAX-CF-DLY:           10
IAX-CF-CDO:           ux#
IAX-CF-CGO:           *
IAX-VM:               NO
IAX-VM-TOUT:          15
SIP-CLIP:             SYS
SIP-CF-TOUT:          15
SIP-CF-DLY:           0
SIP-CF-CDO:           12
SIP-CF-CGO:           *
SIP-VM:               NO
SIP-VM-TOUT:          15
VM-RCPT-LIST:         #
VM-OGM-MSG:           SYS
VM-END-MSG:           SYS
MAIL-FAIL:            NO
MAIL-FWD:             NO

The following command shows the meaning of parameters:

[13:15:25] ABILIS_CPX:d pref user:test ?            

D PREF USER:val               Display Users preferences table's entries

USER:name     User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
USER:A        All entries of the Users preferences table
USER:ALL      All entries of the Users preferences table

User's preferences:

ID:        Internal user identifier [1..251]                        <Read Only>
LAST-CHANGE: Last time at witch the entry has been updated          <Read Only>
PWD:       User password. From 0 up to 32 ASCII printable characters.
         Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved.
CTIP-CLIP: CTIP interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
         ALLOWED, SYS]
CTIP-CF-RULE: CTIP interface, call forward: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
         FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
         ',' character.
                <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
CTIP-CF-TOUT: CTIP interface, call forward: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
         [5..180 sec.]
                <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
CTIP-CF-DLY: CTIP interface, call forward: Delay for the 'FORK' rule
         [0..180 sec.]
                             <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
CTIP-CF-CDO: CTIP interface, call forward: output called number. From 1 up to
         20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
         TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
         See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
         See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CTIP-CF-CGO: CTIP interface, call forward: output calling number [*, USER]
CTIP-VM:   CTIP interface: voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
CTIP-VM-RULE: CTIP interface, voice mail: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
         Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
CTIP-VM-TOUT: CTIP interface, voice mail: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
         [5..180 sec.]
CLUS-CLIP: CLUS interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
         ALLOWED, SYS]
CLUS-CF-RULE: CLUS interface, call forward: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
         FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
         ',' character.
                <Read Only for CLUS-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
CLUS-CF-TOUT: CLUS interface, call forward: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
         [5..180 sec.]
                <Read Only for CLUS-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
CLUS-CF-DLY: CLUS interface, call forward: Delay for the 'FORK' rule
         [0..180 sec.]
                             <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
CLUS-CF-CDO: CLUS interface, call forward: output called number. From 1 up to
         20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
         TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
         See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
         See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CLUS-CF-CGO: CLUS interface, call forward: output calling number [*, USER]
CLUS-VM:   CLUS interface: voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
CLUS-VM-RULE: CLUS interface, voice mail: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
         Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
CLUS-VM-TOUT: CLUS interface, voice mail: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
         [5..180 sec.]
IAX-CLIP:  IAX interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
         ALLOWED, SYS]
IAX-CF-RULE: IAX interface, call forward: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
         FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
         ',' character.
                 <Read Only for IAX-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
IAX-CF-TOUT: IAX interface, call forward: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
         [5..180 sec.]
                 <Read Only for IAX-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
IAX-CF-DLY: IAX interface, call forward: Delay for the 'FORK' rule
         [0..180 sec.]
                             <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
IAX-CF-CDO: IAX interface, call forward: output called number. From 1 up to
         20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
         TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
         See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
         See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
IAX-CF-CGO: IAX interface, call forward: output calling number [*, USER]
IAX-VM:    IAX interface: voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
IAX-VM-RULE: IAX interface, voice mail: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
         Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
IAX-VM-TOUT: IAX interface, voice mail: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
         [5..180 sec.]
SIP-CLIP:  SIP interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
         ALLOWED, SYS]
SIP-CF-RULE: SIP interface, call forward: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
         FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
         ',' character.
                 <Read Only for SIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
SIP-CF-TOUT: SIP interface, call forward: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
         [5..180 sec.]
                 <Read Only for SIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
SIP-CF-DLY: SIP interface, call forward: Delay for the 'FORK' rule
         [0..180 sec.]
                             <Read Only for CTIP-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
SIP-CF-CDO: SIP interface, call forward: output called number. From 1 up to
         20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
         TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
         See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
         See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
SIP-CF-CGO: SIP interface, call forward: output calling number [*, USER]
SIP-VM:    SIP interface: voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
SIP-VM-RULE: SIP interface, voice mail: rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
         Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
SIP-VM-TOUT: SIP interface, voice mail: Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
         [5..180 sec.]
VM-RCPT-LIST: IN2T list used to select Voice Mail recipient(s) on the base
         of called numbers [#, ListName]
VM-RCPT:   Defult Voice Mail recipient(s).
         From 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not
         allowed. Case is preserved.
VM-OGM-MSG: Name of the file holding the Outgoing Message.
         "SYS" or from 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be
         written between quotation marks (E.g.: "My message").
VM-END-MSG: Name of the file holding the End Message.
         "SYS" or from 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be
         written between quotation marks (E.g.: "My message").
MAIL-FAIL: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
         fails [NO, YES]
MAIL-FAIL-RCPT-LIST: IN2T list used to select recipients for e-mail on call
         failure on the base of called numbers [#, ListName]
MAIL-FAIL-RCPT: Defult recipient(s) for email on call failure.
         From 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not
         allowed. Case is preserved.
MAIL-FWD:  Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to the user
         is forwarded [NO, YES]
MAIL-FWD-RCPT-LIST: IN2T list used to select recipients for email on call
         forward on the base of called numbers [#, ListName]
MAIL-FWD-RCPT: Default recipient(s) for email on call forward.
         From 0 up to 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are not
         allowed. Case is preserved.
SEIZED-CALLS: Enable/disable email notification when a call directed to
         the user is seized [NO, YES]
CTI-CALLS-LOG:     Enable/disable CTI calls logging [NO, YES]
CTI-CALLS-LOG-IN:  Number of calls to be logged in incoming calls log file
                 [10..200] <Only when CTI-CALLS-LOG: not equal to YES>
CTI-CALLS-LOG-OUT: Number of calls to be logged in outgoing calls log file
                 [10..200] <Only when CTI-CALLS-LOG: not equal to YES>
CALLTRY-TOUT: Timeout [SYS, 30..600 sec]
CALLTRY-NRTY: Number of retry [SYS, 1..30]
TON-TO-PREFIX: Convert TON to the corresponding PREFIX in notification mails,
         call logs, operator panel control (OPC) [SYS, NO, YES]

55.3.3. CTI advanced preferences administration through CP

The following are the commands to administrate CTI advanced preferences:

  • d cf user[:<user>]: This command shows user preferences.

  • s cf user:<user> <par:><val> [<par:><val>] ...: This command sets one or more user preference.

[12:58:21] ABILIS_CPX:d cf user:test

USER:test                                (Last change: 02/02/2011 11:44:10 CET)
PR   |ENABLED|IN-USE|IF  |TI                           |ACTION
ADMIN|CGI                     |CDI                     |RULE
    |CGO                     |CDO                     |TOUT   |DLY
1     YES     YES    ANY  ALL,00:00-23:59               CF
NO    4*                       *                        FORK
     *                        11                       15      0

The following command shows the meaning of parameters:

[13:16:10] ABILIS_CPX:d cf user:test ?  

D CF USER:A               Display all CF/DND entries defined for Users
D CF USER:ALL             Display all CF/DND entries defined for Users
D CF USER:name PR:A       Display all CF/DND entries of the specified user
D CF USER:name PR:ALL     Display all CF/DND entries of the specified user
D CF USER:name PR:val     Display selected CF/DND entry of the specified user

USER:          User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.                 
PR:            CF/DND entry priority [1..500]                       

CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry parameter(s):

ADMIN:     Entry reserved to the Administrator [NO, YES]
ENABLED:   Enable/disable this entry [NO, YES]
IN-USE:    Activate/deactivate the rule [NO, YES]
IF:        Interface type [ANY, CTIP, CLUS, SIP, IAX]
TI:        Time interval during which the rule has to be applied in the format
         is "day,hh:mm-hh:mm", where 'day' can be: a single day [MO, TU,
         WE, TH, FR, SA, SU] or a set of days (E.g.: MO+TH or TU+TH+SU etc.)
         or an interval.(E.g.: MO-WE or TH-SU etc. or ALL).
ACTION:    Action [NONE, DND, CF, VM]
CGI:       Incoming Calling Number. Max 20 characters in the range [0..9, *, #,
         ?, 'list'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or
         NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z,
         j] attributes.
         (e.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, 'listname', 123'listname')
         See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
         See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CDI:       Incoming Called Number. Max 20 characters in the range [0..9, *, #,
         ?, 'list'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or
         NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
         (e.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, 'listname', 123'listname')
         See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
         See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
RULE:      Rule for call forwarding [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK]. 
         Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using ','
TOUT:      Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule [5..180 sec.]
DLY:       Delay for the 'FORK' rule [0..180 sec.]
CGO:       Outgoing Calling Number. "USER" or max 20 characters in the range
         [0..9, *, #, 'macro'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h,
         c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y,
         v, w, z] attributes.
         (e.g.: USER, ie123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi')
         See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
         See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CDO:       Outgoing Called Number. Max 20 characters in the range [0..9, *, #,
         'macro'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP
         [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
         (e.g.: ne123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi')
         See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
         See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.