22.5. Connecting to the Control Port

The Control Port can be reached in the following ways:

22.5.1. Connecting through a TCP/IP network using TELNET/SSH protocols

In this case it's possible to use a personal computer provided with a TELNET (or SSH) client program.

The TELNET (or SSH) Client application makes a TCP/IP call to the Abilis CPX IP address. The TELNET (or SSH) Server of the Abilis CPX receives the call, establishes the TCP connection, calls the Control Port and sends back the packet containing the configured prompt (for example ABILIS_CPX:).


This is the default auto-connection procedure. Refer to Section 23.1.1, “TELNET resource parameters” to learn to configure the Telnet server.

Access Verification

Password: *******


Abilis CPX - Ver. 8.9.0/STD - Build 4665.39 - Branch 8.9 - Abilis-ID 800733
Friday 10/07/2020 07:50:14 (UTC+03:00) - UpTime 1 days 19:25:22
Login: super


[11:29:21] ABILIS_CPX:

Starting with 8-9-0 was added possibility to connect to CP, Telnet Client, SSH Client by means of CP, TELNET, SSH command shortcut. The shortcut does not need X25 routings in COR (D R).

[16:47:59] ABILIS_CPX:
[] TELNETS>clr

CLR 00 00


CP             Open connection to local CP resource
SSH            Open connection to local SSH client
TELNET         Open connection to local TELNET client
<CD>-<UD>      Open X25 call with CD and UD
CLR            Close connection
CLOSE          Close Telnet session
EXIT           Close Telnet session
LINUX          Sets for Linux terminal
ANSI           Sets for ANSI terminal
HELP           Show current help

[] TELNETS>ssh

[] SSHC> 

When LOGIN-MODE:USERS the TELNET and SSH login require user/password from Abilis user enabled via CP-LEVEL:, and such login is trusted by CP. For example.

[TELNET] CONNECT (<unknown>/

Access Verification

Login: super


Abilis CPX - Build 4593/STD - Abilis-ID 1600052
Wednesday 20/11/2019 18:33:40 (UTC+01:00) - UpTime 0 days 00:49:07
User 'super' logged at SUPERUSER level

[18:33:40] ABILIS_CPX:

22.5.2. Connecting through the serials-asynchronous ports of the Abilis

In this case it's possible to use an asynchronous VT100 terminal or a personal computer provided with an emulation program (TTY or VT100 or similar) connected to the serials-asynchronous ports of the Abilis with a cross-serial cable.

The parameters to use for the serial port:

  • 9600 bit/sec;

  • 8 bit;

  • 1 stop bit;

  • No parity check;

  • No flow control.

Steps to follow:

  • Press the key <Enter> to get the PAD local port prompt, after switching on the terminal;

  • Digit CP and the command interpreter of the local CPX Control Port will appear.

    Abilis CPX - Ver. 8.9.0/STD - Build 4665.39 - Branch 8.9 - Abilis-ID 800733
    Friday 10/07/2020 07:50:14 (UTC+03:00) - UpTime 1 days 19:25:22
    Logged as SUPERUSER
    [18:49:16] ABILIS_CPX:                      

    Starting with 8-9-0 was added possibility to connect the PAD to CP, Telnet Client, SSH Client by means of CP, TELNET, SSH command shortcut. The shortcut does not need X25 routings in COR (D R).

    When CP is set for LOGIN-MODE:USERS the CP will request login/password credentials of a system user.

    Abilis CPX - Ver. 8.9.0/STD - Build 4665.39 - Branch 8.9 - Abilis-ID 800733
    Friday 10/07/2020 07:50:14 (UTC+03:00) - UpTime 1 days 19:25:22
    Login: super
    User 'super' logged at SUPERUSER level
    [18:52:38] ABILIS_CPX: