60.9. CTIDISA diagnostics and statistics

60.9.1. CTIDISA diagnostics

The following commands are used to display the diagnostics of the CTIDISA resource:

d d ctidisa

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state resource, the number of used channels, the name of the identified user and service, the Q931 state of the incoming/outgoing call, the calling/called number of the incoming/outgoing call, the connection time of the current incoming/outgoing call, the current number of loop.

d de ctidisa

Shows diagnostic information in an extended format: the same information listed for d d ctidisa and in addition the call identifier of incoming/outgoing call, the internal state of the channel, the type of tone/message and the name of CTISYS tone or Vocal message which are playing.

[03:45:23] ABILIS_CPX:d d ctidisa

RES:CtiDisa -------------------------------------------------------------------
       - DISA Channels diagnostics --------------------------------------------
       CH: User             Q931State-In  CGI                  Time-In    Nrty
           Service          Q931State-Out CDO                  Time-Out   Loop
       0                    DISCONNECTED                       0          0
                            DISCONNECTED                       0          0
       1                    DISCONNECTED                       0          0
                            DISCONNECTED                       0          0
       2                    DISCONNECTED                       0          0
                            DISCONNECTED                       0          0
[13:19:03] ABILIS_CPX:d de ctidisa

RES:CtiDisa -------------------------------------------------------------------
       - DISA Channels diagnostics --------------------------------------------
       CH: User             Q931State-In  CGI                  Time-In    Nrty
           Service          Q931State-Out CDO                  Time-Out   Loop
           Sub-Service      Phase         Playing       Tone/Message
       0                    CONNECTED     555                  4          0
           day              DISCONNECTED                       0          0
                            WaitFirst     INITDIAL      day\INITDIAL.CPM
       1                    DISCONNECTED                       0          0
                            DISCONNECTED                       0          0
       2                    DISCONNECTED                       0          0
                            DISCONNECTED                       0          0

The meaning:


Overall state of DISA driver:

  • INACTIVE - DISA driver does not accept incoming calls and does not make outgoing calls.IP calls.

  • ACTIVE - DISA driver fully active.


Currently used channels.


Channel identifier.


The name of the identified user.


The name of the identified or pre-identified service.


The name of the identified sub-service (if any).


Q931 State of incoming call.


Q931 state of outgoing call.


Internal state of the channel: WaitFirst, EnterPIN, EnterCDO, DtmfRelay, Looping, Closing, CallRepeat, AbortAllowed, Active, HoldIN, HoldOUT, NotifyAlert, Bye, CallBack, Welcome, Initial.


The Calling Number of the incoming Call.


The Called Number of the outgoing Call.


Connection time of the current incoming call, counted from Q931State-In = ACTIVE.


Connection time of the current outgoing call, counted from Q931State-Out = ACTIVE.


Callback attempt number.


Current number of loop.




Name of CTISYS tone or Vocal message which is playing: DIAL, ALERT, HOLD, DISC, BUSY or xxxxxxxx\yyyyyyyy.CPM (e.g. day\INITDIAL.CPM).

60.9.2. CTIDISA statistics

The following commands are used to display the statistics of the CTIDISA resource:

d s ctidisa

Shows statistic information, such as the number of incoming/outgoing calls, the number of incoming/outgoing calls that reached the ACTIVE state, the number of incoming/outgoing calls that were closed prior to reach the ACTIVE state, the number of incoming/outcoming voice frames;

d se ctidisa

Shows statistic information in an extended format: the same information listed for d s ctidisa command are shown for each channel.

[22:15:27] ABILIS_CPX:d s ctidisa

RES:CtiDisa -------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 091:01:20:34 ago, on 26/05/2015 at 04:51:42 ----------------
       I-CALL     |       5182|           |I-SUCC-CALL|       5107|           |
       I-TIME-CALL|     695438|           |I-FAIL-CALL|          0|           |
       I-VOICE-FRM|   34847445|   40743886|           |           |           |
       O-CALL     |           |       4369|O-SUCC-CALL|           |       4010|
       O-TIME-CALL|           |     592376|O-FAIL-CALL|           |       1000|
       O-VOICE-FRM|   26127200|   26127186|
[22:15:30] ABILIS_CPX:d se ctidisa

RES:CtiDisa -------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 3 days 08:11:59 ago, on 11/09/2020 at 09:08:14 -------------
       I-CALL     |       5182|           |I-SUCC-CALL|       5107|           |
       I-TIME-CALL|     695438|           |I-FAIL-CALL|          0|           |
       I-VOICE-FRM|   34847445|   40743886|           |           |           |
       O-CALL     |           |       4369|O-SUCC-CALL|           |       4010|
       O-TIME-CALL|           |     592376|O-FAIL-CALL|           |       1000|
       O-VOICE-FRM|   26127200|   26127186|
       I-VOICE-FRM|       1096|       1098|I-DTMF     |          1|           |
       O-VOICE-FRM|          0|          0|
       I-VOICE-FRM|       8805|      10777|I-DTMF     |          1|           |
       O-VOICE-FRM|       5981|       5981|
       I-VOICE-FRM|      17402|      18212|I-DTMF     |          1|           |
       O-VOICE-FRM|      16219|      16219|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 3 days 08:11:59 ago») these counters show the number of:

I-CALL Incoming side: number of incoming calls.
I-TIME-CALLIncoming side: number of seconds that incoming calls remained in ACTIVE state.
I-SUCC-CALLIncoming side: number of incoming calls that reached ACTIVE state.
I-FAIL-CALLIncoming side: number of incoming calls that were closed prior to reach ACTIVE state.
I-VOICE-FRMIncoming side: number of incoming/outgoing voice frames.
O-CALLOutgoing side: number of outgoing calls.
O-TIME-CALLOutgoing side: number of seconds that outgoing calls remained in ACTIVE state.
O-SUCC-CALLOutgoing side: number of outgoing calls that reached ACTIVE state.
O-FAIL-CALLOutgoing side: number of outgoing calls that were closed prior to reach ACTIVE state.
O-VOICE-FRMOutgoing side: number of incoming/outgoing voice frames.
CHChannel identifier.
I-DTMFIncoming side: number of detected DTMF codes.

60.9.3. Advanced Debug of the CtiDisa resource

This section shows the commands used to view the state of the calls and the queues of the CtiDISA resource.


To use these commands you need to have administrator or super user rights.

Type the following command to view the commands allowed:

[03:59:00] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctidisa lsn:0

RES:CtiDisa -------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:925    Date/Time:29/05/2015 11:36:01 TraceTime:255539387

DISA port: Debug info
 LSN:0             - This help message
 LSN:1             - Driver object (bin)
 LSN:2             - Diagnostics/statistics (txt)
 LSN:3             - DISA Log (txt)
 LSN:3 CMD:CLR     - Clear DISA Log (txt)
 LSN:3 CMD:SES:X   - Show DISA Log of session (txt)
 LSN:3 CMD:SET:[DFT | CLR | FULL | [level, ...]] - Set Log event mask
           No parameters - show current events log mask
           DFT     - Log default events (ERR events only)
           CLR     - Clear Log event mask
           FULL    - Log all events
           ERR     - Log ERROR events
           WARN    - Log WARNING events
           INFO    - Log INFO events
           DEBUG   - Log DEBUG events
 LSN:100           - FRMWR test (txt)
 LSN:200           - Start tracing of voice frames (txt)
 LSN:201           - Stop tracing of voice frames (txt)
 CMD:Cx   Channel (0-y)

The following command shows the number of used channels and the number of the used/free queues.

[10:55:10] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctidisa lsn:2

RES:CtiDisa -------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:679    Date/Time:29/05/2015 11:36:36 TraceTime:255574575

DISA port - diagnostics/statistics

Name          |     Value
State         |    ACTIVE
Used channels |         0
FIFO - used   |         0
FIFO - free   |        30
Name        |     Value
Event IN    |         5
Event OUT   |         4
Call IN     |         2
Call ACC    |         2
Call REJ    |         0
Voice IN    |       119
Voice OUT   |       116
Handle OPN  |         2
Handle CLS  |         2
Handle DSC  |         0
Timer RSQ   |         0
Timer CLR   |         0
Timer EXP   |         0

Type the following command to set DISA log mask to log any event.

[13:24:14] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctidisa lsn:3 cmd:set:full

RES:CtiDisa -------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:64512  Date/Time:02/08/2016 13:25:10 TraceTime:6026799

DISA port - DISA log
Debug mask set to: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG

Type the following command to view the DISA log:

[13:26:27] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctidisa lsn:3

RES:CtiDisa -------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:64512  Date/Time:02/08/2016 13:26:27 TraceTime:5864452

DISA port - DISA log
 Date   Time  Type Ses  Message                   
------ ------ ---- --- ---------------------------
020816 132429 INFO   0 MAIN Send Event - New call - HND:-
020816 132429 INFO   0 IN Rx Create connection
020816 132429 DBG    0 IN Rx Setup RQ HND:3
020816 132429 INFO   0 IN Rx created DISA UUID:0003-20160802-112429
020816 132429 INFO   0 IN Rx Incoming connection CDI:ue777 CGI:uxay555
020816 132429 INFO   0 IN Preidentification Service:day
020816 132429 INFO   0 IN Start (no tone) Tone:14-AUTO-CDO TOUT:0 sec (50 ticks)
020816 132429 ERR    0 IN Start timer TOUT:1 sec (50 ticks) IS:14-Welcome QS:10-CONNECTED
020816 132429 INFO   0 IN Connection created
020816 132429 DBG    0 IN Tx Setup Confirm IS:14-Welcome QS:10-CONNECTED
020816 132429 DBG    0 IN Timeout IS:14-Welcome QS:10-CONNECTED
020816 132429 DBG    0 IN Timeout thread IS:14-Welcome QS:10-CONNECTED
020816 132429 ERR    0 IN Start timer TOUT:31 sec (3001 ticks) IS:0-WaitFirst QS:10-CONNECTED
020816 132429 DBG    0 IN Clear timer
020816 132429 ERR    0 IN Start timer TOUT:31 sec (3001 ticks) IS:0-WaitFirst QS:10-CONNECTED
020816 132429 INFO   0 IN Start Tone:0-INITDIAL TOUT:0 sec (0 ticks) VMH:5
020816 132450 DBG    0 IN Rx Disconnect RQ IS:0-WaitFirst QS:10-CONNECTED
020816 132450 INFO   0 IN Rx Close connection 80 9F (User, Normal, unspecified)
020816 132450 DBG    0 IN Clear timer
020816 132450 DBG    0 IN Remove from ACD queue IS:0-WaitFirst QS:11-DISCONNECTING
020816 132450 DBG    0 IN Tx Release Confirm IS:0-WaitFirst QS:11-DISCONNECTING
020816 132450 INFO   0 IN Connection closed
020816 132450 DBG    0 IN Remove from ACD queue IS:0-WaitFirst QS:11-DISCONNECTING
020816 132450 INFO   0 IN Stop Tone:0-INITDIAL VMH:5