64.1. ACNT resource

The Accounting Agent resource of the Abilis CPX is responsible of transmitting, through a TCP/IP network, accounting information to a remote host. A software application, named Collector provides data collecting, reports generating and presenting to the end user.

For further information, refer to Section 64.3, “Appendix”.

64.1.1. Activating the ACNT resource

Add the resource to the Abilis system with the command:

[11:01:39] ABILIS_CPX:a res:acnt


The ACNT resource may already exist in the system, but may not yet be active: set it active with the command:

[11:01:48] ABILIS_CPX:s act res:acnt


After adding or setting the ACNT active, you must restart the Abilis to make the resource running (use the command warm start to reboot the Abilis).

[11:01:39] ABILIS_CPX:s p acnt coll-act:yes


[11:01:39] ABILIS_CPX:d p acnt

RES:Acnt - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ------------------------
       - Collectors -----------------------------------------------------------
       COLL-ACT:YES              sesnum:3                    tcp-locport:2060
       FILTER:ALL                CR:AUTO                     CRKEY:DFT
       IPSRC:#                   IPSRCLIST:*
       - Local storage of CDRs ------------------------------------------------
       MAX-AGE:30         FILE-SIZE:5            INTERVAL:15

Execute the initialization command init res:acnt to activate the changes made on the upper case parameters; changes made on the lowercase parameters require a save conf and an Abilis restart (i.e. With warm start command).

Set the parameter COLL-ACT to YES to allow the connection from the Collector program.

The configuration above allows the connection from at maximum 3 Collector from any IP address; to enable the connection form specific IP addresses, it's needed to set the IPSRC and IPSRCLIST parameters.

64.1.2. ACNT resource parameters

Use the following command to display the parameters of the resource. The d p acnt ? command shows the meaning of parameters.

[11:01:39] ABILIS_CPX:d p acnt

RES:Acnt ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:Accounting_Service
       - Collectors -----------------------------------------------------------
       COLL-ACT:YES              sesnum:3                    tcp-locport:2060
       FILTER:ALL                CR:AUTO                     CRKEY:DFT
       IPSRC:#                   IPSRCLIST:*
       - Local storage of CDRs ------------------------------------------------
       MAX-AGE:30         FILE-SIZE:5            INTERVAL:15

Below are descriptions of the most important parameters:


Enable/Disable collectors access [NO, YES].


Local TCP port for incoming connections; by default is 2060.


Number of TCP sessions.


It defines a filter to be applied on the Accounting information to be collected [ALL: any accounting event is collected; CONNECTED: only information related to successful connections are collected; FAILED: only information related to failed connections are collected].


Accepted Collector IP address [#, 1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]. If it's set to #, the resource accept connections from any IP address.


List of further accepted Collectors IP address [#, *, IP/IR/RU/MR list name].


Collectors data encryption [AUTO, YES].


Collector data encryption key index [DFT, 1..63].


Enable/Disable local storage of CDRs [NO, YES].


Maximum number of days for CDRs history [1..365 day]. The CDRs files that have expired MAX-AGE are wiped with Ctrl-Z and renamed to *.FRE.


Size of preallocated files [1..100 MiB]. On creation and on wipe they are filled with Ctrl-Z. The number of preallocated files is computed automatically and can be automatically increased if needed.


Time interval for collecting CDR prior to make them available for retrieval [1..60 min].


Working directory for disk 1. Full path with drive letter ['E'..'Y'] terminated by '\'. Max 128 chars. Root path (e.g. E:\) is not allowed. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "E:\My dir\").


Working directory for disk 2. Full path with drive letter ['E'..'Y'] terminated by '\'. Max 128 chars. Root path (e.g. E:\) is not allowed. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "E:\My dir\").

The following command allows the administrator to change the configuration of the resource:

s p acnt parameter:value...


To activate the changes made on the upper case parameters, execute the initialization command init res:acnt; while to set act the changes made on the lowercase parameters a save conf and an Abilis restart are required (i.e. With warm start command).

64.1.3. ACNT CDR (call-data-records)

On heavy loaded system it is highly recommended, if not mandatory, to locate the storage on fast SSD disks driver by AHCI driver.

It is also mandatory to format the disks with exFAT file system. The reason is that standard FAT/FAT32 has problems with the large number of files required by CDR local storage.

The files are made available via FTP or HTTP and must be periodically fetched by the external billing system.

The detailed specification of CDR files and records are available at Abilis Accounting CDRs.htm .

[14:49:46] ABILIS_CPX:d p acnt

RES:Acnt ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:Accounting_Service
       - Collectors -----------------------------------------------------------
       COLL-ACT:YES              sesnum:3                    tcp-locport:2060
       FILTER:ALL                CR:AUTO                     CRKEY:DFT
       IPSRC:#                   IPSRCLIST:PrivateIpAdd
       - Local storage of CDRs ------------------------------------------------
       MAX-AGE:7          FILE-SIZE:5            INTERVAL:15

Here is an example with disk E: and F: formatted with exFAT.

[14:56:24] ABILIS_CPX:sys disk info

Logical drive(s) information:

Drv Disk   FS       Label           Serial      Used space      Total space
    Interface       Cluster size                Free space      Bootable
C:  HD-12  FAT32    4_1GB           E663-CD41   69 MiB          3910 MiB
    AHCI            4,096 bytes                 3840 MiB        NO
D:  HD-13  FAT32    4_1GB           944E-C183   49 MiB          3910 MiB
    AHCI            4,096 bytes                 3861 MiB        YES
E:  HD-14  exFAT                    4F23-6827   4768 MiB        476935 MiB
    AHCI            524,288 bytes               472167 MiB      YES
F:  HD-15  exFAT                    4F23-682B   4768 MiB        476935 MiB
    AHCI            524,288 bytes               472167 MiB      YES
G:  HD-16  FAT12    DummyDisk       50D2-A182   0 KiB           16 KiB
    RAM             4,096 bytes                 16 KiB          YES