80.14. How to upgrade ADSL2+ modem firmware

The modems already installed can be updated via Abilis in this way:

  1. Download the firmware file from "Downloads Firmware" category from http://support.abilis.net (Username:abilis Password:abilis) in the section "ADSL2+".

  2. Upload it on the Abilis where is connected the modem, in the current directory (with command "file put z adsl2.bin").

  3. The modem must be connected and "seen" by a dev:dslusb and relative res:dsl.

    [10:54:44] ABILIS:d dev
    ------------------ Active PCI Devices and Physical Resources: -----------------
    Device(s)   Run Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)          SlotId  Addr  Irq
    ASY-1       Yes Async-1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      -   3F8    4
    ETH-1       Yes Eth-1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     64   PCI ( 11)
    ETH-2       Yes Eth-2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     32   PCI ( 11)
    BRI8-1      Yes 31..38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    128   PCI ( 10)
    ------------------ Active USB Devices and Physical Resources: -----------------
    Device(s)   Run Con Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)    USBPORTID
    DSLUSB-1    Yes Yes Dsl-1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.0
    [10:54:50] ABILIS:d usbdev
    USB Server Overview:
    ID  VendorId/Manufacturer     ProductId/Product                Ver UsbPortId
    1   0000 On Time              0000 EHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 0
    2   0000 On Time              0000 EHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 1
    3   8087                      0024                            0.00 0.0
    4   8087                      0024                            0.00 1.0
    5   07A6 Abilis               4610 ADSL2+                     3.13 0.0.0
  4. Run the command "debug res:dsl-x cmd:d lsn:999", where x is the number of resource DSL.

  5. If the upload is successful will be shown on display and the modem will restart.

    [10:54:50] ABILIS:d usbdev
    USB Server Overview:
    ID  VendorId/Manufacturer     ProductId/Product                Ver UsbPortId 
    1   0000 On Time              0000 EHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 0         
    2   0000 On Time              0000 EHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 1         
    3   8087                      0024                            0.00 0.0       
    4   8087                      0024                            0.00 1.0       
    5   07A6 Abilis               4610 ADSL2+                     3.18 0.0.0      
  6. If the upload fails will be shown on display.


The Abilis ADSL2+ modem is supported starting with Abilis firmware version 7.5.