72.9. LDAP Local address books

This page allows to manage the LDAP address books.

Click LDAP address books to view a list of the address books.

72.9.1. Example of address book creation

Click on button (Add main address book). Insert the name in the textbox of the page and click Add.

The new address book has been added. It should be visible in the table below.

72.9.2. Example of address book deletion

Click to remove an address book.

Click Yes to confirm.

Now the address book is deleted.

72.9.3. Example of contact creation

Click on the name of the address book where you want to add the user.

Click to add a new contact.

Fill the textboxes and click Submit to save the contact. A confirmation message appears.

72.9.4. Example of contact deletion

To remove a contact, select it and click on .

Click Yes to confirm.

A pop-up message confirms the deletion.

72.9.5. Edit contact

To edit a contact, select it and click .

Modify the contact and click Submit.

A pop-up confirmation message appears.

72.9.6. Import/Export an address book

Click on Export (in the last column of the table) to download the address book in the .ldif file format.

Click on Import to import contacts. You'll see the following page.

Select the .ldif file and click Import. The operation will be confirmed by the following page.

72.9.7. Import/Export all the address books

This page allows to download the whole database of LDAP address books.

Click on Export/Import LDAP data base (LDIF). The following page is displayed:

Click on Export to download the LDAP database as a .ldif file.

Select a .ldif file and click on Import to import a database from your computer. A confirmation page is displayed: