18.1. TELNET resource

The Abilis CPX TELNET resource includes Telnet server and client and it's present in the default configuration. It can be used for remote CPX management or to establish connections to remote devices which support the same protocol (i.e. Other routers).

18.1.1. TELNET resource parameters

Use d p telnet command to display the parameters of the resource. By typing d p telnet ? command it's possible to display the meaning of all parameters.

[16:55:28] ABILIS_CPX:d p telnet

RES:Telnet --------------------------------------------------------------------
       LOG:NO                 MCAU:NO                ps:128
       - Server ---------------------------------------------------------------
       tcpport:23             PSER:TELNETS>          ser:3
       AC:YES                 PWD:                   DT:15
       CDO:00                 UDO:CP                 PROFILE:NORMAL
       IPSRC:*                IPSRCLIST:#
       - Client ---------------------------------------------------------------
                              PCLI:TELNETC>          cli:3
       CDI:*                  UDI:*

Meaning of the most important parameters:


Logging functionalities activation/deactivation.


Activates and sets the value of the “Keep-Alive” time-out; the “Keep-Alive” procedure, by sending the simple packets, keeps the TCP connection “alive” even if any data is not exchanged.


The prompt of the commands interpreter of the Server TELNET resource.


Number of Server processes on the TELNET resource.


Autoconnection mode for the TELNET Server; the default value is YES. The TELNET Server automatically generates a connection request, using information configured in CDO and UDO, whenever it receives a login request from a Client TELNET process.


The TELNET Server password, which is asked at connection.


Idle time interval (in minutes) after which the connection is closed.


Called address field of the TELNET Server outgoing call. The parameter's default value (CDO:00).


User data field of the TELNET Server outgoing call. The parameter's default value (CDO:CP).


IP address of enabled source TELNET Client systems.


A list of IP addresses of enabled TELNET Client systems.


The prompt of the command interpreter of the Client TELNET resource.


Number of Client processes on the TELNET resource.


Called address field of the TELNET Client incoming call.


User data field of the TELNET Client incoming call.

The following command allows the administrator to change the configuration of the resource:

s p telnet parameter:value...


To activate the changes made on the upper case parameters, execute the initialization command init res:telnet; while to set act the changes made on the lowercase parameters a save conf and an Abilis restart are required (i.e. With warm start command).