43.2. TRFA Traps

Now it's possible to set threshold values and generate traps when a value goes above or returns below a threshold.

The ALARM resource can convert these traps in emails, SMS or other events.

43.2.1. TRFA IP Traps

The Trap generation is configurable for throughput and for traffic thresholds.

To configure a Trap, use the following command:

[15:50:24] ABILIS_CPX: a trfa ip trap act:yes res:ip-1 var:thr-out int:5min val:100


To view all configured Traps, use the following command:

[15:55:49] ABILIS_CPX:d trfa ip trap                                      

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
         [Res DESCR]
ID: ACT: RES:   VAR:        INT:        VAL:
0   YES  [LAN]
         Ip-1   THR-OUT     5Min        100        (Kbit/sec)
1   NO   [WAN]
         Ip-2   CHR-IN      Day         200        (Mbytes)

To activate the changes made, execute the initialization command init trfa ip trap. Remember to save the configuration (save conf).


To display the statistics of the TRFA IP TRAP, refer to: Section 43.3.2, “TRFA statistics”

Meaning of the most important parameters:


TRFA trap identifier [0..299].


Enabled/disabled entry [NO, YES].


IP resource in the format "Ip-nnn", where 'nnn' can be [1..250]. By default any resource.


Monitored variable [THR-IN: Instant throughput in input; THR-OUT: Instant throughput in output; THR-TOT: Total instant throughput; CHR-IN: The number of received characters; CHR-OUT: The number of sent characters; CHR-TOT: The total numbers of received and sent characters]. By default any variable.


Monitored interval:

  • For THR-IN, THR-OUT, THR-TOT: 5Min, 30Min, 2Hr.

  • For CHR-IN, CHR-OUT, CHR-TOT: Day, Week, Month.


Variable threshold value [0..4294967295].

  • For THR-IN, THR-OUT, THR-TOT variables the unit is Kbit/sec.

  • For CHR-IN, CHR-OUT, CHR-TOT variables the unit is Mbyte.

To delete a Trap, use the following command:

[15:55:54] ABILIS_CPX:c trfa ip trap id:0


43.2.2. TRFA CTI Traps

The Trap generation is configurable for quantity of calls by types and for average time of calls.

To configure a Trap, use the following command:

[15:50:24] ABILIS_CPX:a trfa cti trap act:yes calls:service name:test int:5min var:abandoned val:3


To view all configured Traps, use the following command:

[08:45:04] ABILIS_CPX:d trfa cti trap

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
ID: ACT: CALLS:    NAME:                INT:    VAR:           VAL:
0   YES  Service   test                 5Min    Abandoned      3          
1   YES  Number    sip_phone            30Min   Duration       600        (sec)

To activate the changes made, execute the initialization command init trfa cti trap. Remember to save the configuration (save conf).


To display the statistics of the TRFA CTI TRAP, refer to: Section 43.3.2, “TRFA statistics”

Meaning of the most important parameters:


TRFA trap identifier [0..299].


Enabled/disabled entry [NO, YES].


Calls category [Service: DISA service and sub-service; Number: Called number; User-In: User incoming; User-Out: User outgoing].


Service name or numbers set name or user name. Up to 40 characters. Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved. If the name is empty the entry is ignored.


Monitored interval:

  • For 'Service' and 'Number': Now, 5Min, 30Min, 2Hr, 1Day;

  • for 'User-In' and 'User-Out': 5Min, 30Min, 2Hr, 1Day.


Monitored variable. Allowed value depends on calls category and monitoring interval:

  • For 'Now': Waiting, Answered, Abandoned, TimePending;

  • For '5Min', '30Min', '2Hr', '1Day':

    • For 'Service': Answered, Abandoned, TimeToAnswer, Duration, TimeToAbandon;

    • For 'Number': Answered, Abandoned, Busy, Failed, TimeToAnswer Durartion, TimeToAbandon;

    • For 'User-In': Answered, Abandoned, Busy, Failed, Forwarded Seized, TimeToAnswer, Duration, TimeToAbandon;

    • For 'User-Out': Answered, Failed, TimeToAnswer, Duration.


Variable threshold value [0..4294967295]. Number of calls or seconds, depending on the variable.

To delete a Trap, use the following command:

[15:55:54] ABILIS_CPX:c trfa cti trap id:0