43.3. TRFA diagnostics, statistics and debug

43.3.1. TRFA diagnostics

The following commands are used to display the diagnostics of the TRFA resource:

d d trfa / d de trfa

Shows the current status of the resource, the current status of the active address array, the current status of the active traffic array, the number of seconds to reach next event, the percentage of use of the active address/backup array, the currently record saved in the active address/backup array, the maximum number of simultaneously record in the active address/backup array, the actual size of the active address/backup array and the number of requests that were discarded because active address/backup array is overflow.

[15:53:04] ABILIS_CPX:d d trfa

RES:Trfa ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       ACTIVE     |          0|          2|          3|       1000|          0|
       BACKUP     |          0|          2|          3|       1000|          0|
       - Real-Time service ----------------------------------------------------
       CLIENTS-CUR:0          CLIENTS-MAX:20         CLIENTS-PEAK:1          
       - TRFA Sessions --------------------------------------------------------
       Ses  State    SessionID              UsedMem  PendingTime WaitingTime
            ClientIP         Request        Side     TimeWindow  SampleInterval
       0    READY                           0        0           0
       1    READY                           0        0           0
       2    READY                           0        0           0
       3    READY                           0        0           0
       4    READY                           0        0           0
       5    READY                           0        0           0
       6    READY                           0        0           0
       7    READY                           0        0           0
       8    READY                           0        0           0
       9    READY                           0        0           0
       10   READY                           0        0           0
       11   READY                           0        0           0
       12   READY                           0        0           0
       13   READY                           0        0           0
       14   READY                           0        0           0
       15   READY                           0        0           0
       16   READY                           0        0           0
       17   READY                           0        0           0
       18   READY                           0        0           0
       19   READY                           0        0           0

43.3.2. TRFA statistics

To display the statistics of the TRFA resource the following commands are used:

d s trfa / d se trfa

Shows the total number of requests, the number of requests that were successfully executed, the number of requests that weren't satisfied, the number of requests for which the traffic tracing was not activated and the number of failures due to an address overflow.

[15:53:05] ABILIS_CPX:d s trfa

RES:Trfa ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 11 days 00:12:27 ago, on 10/09/2015 at 09:53:19 ------------
       - Send/Receive statistics ----------------------------------------------
       REQUESTS   |  171059144|  171059144|          0|          0|          0|
       REQUESTS-RT|      38797|      38797|          0|          0|          0|
     - IP Traps statistics ----------------------------------------------------
      Ip-11  |       Cur/Cfg       |       Cur/Cfg       |       Cur/Cfg
             |- (5 Min Kbit/sec) --+- (30 Min Kbit/sec) -+-- (2 Hr Kbit/sec) --
      THR-IN |         0/1000      |         -/-         |         -/-
             |--- (Day MBytes) ----+--- (Week MBytes) ---+-- (Month MBytes) ---
      CHR-IN |         0/500       |         -/-         |         -/-
     - CTI Traps statistics ---------------------------------------------------
     Numbers set:222
     -------------|--- Now ---|-- 5 Min --|- 30 Min --|- 2 Hour --|-- 1 Day --|
     Waiting      |          -|           |           |           |           |
     Answered     |          -|          0|          -|          -|          -|
     Abandoned    |          -|          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Busy         |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Failed       |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     TimePending  |          -|           |           |           |           |
     TimeToAnswer |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Duration     |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     TimeToAbandon|           |          -|          -|          -|          -|

43.3.3. TRFA debug

The debug commands are useful for various activities, e.g. clearing files, removing data originated from a temporary configuration error, removing obsolete data after a line change, etc.

[11:44:43] ABILIS_CPX:_debug res:trfa

RES:Trfa ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:3092   Date/Time:27/04/2015 15:08:07 TraceTime:263604665

   LSN:0              - This help
   LSN:2              - Show information related to analyzed frames
   LSN:2  CMD:CLR     - Clear analyzed frames information
   LSN:3              - Show current TRFA log
   LSN:3  CMD:CLR     - Clear TRFA log
   LSN:4              - DATA File status
   LSN:5              - BACKUP File status
   LSN:6              - TEMPORARY File status
   LSN:7              - Display real-time Session Monitor
   LSN:8              - Display historical temporary Sessions

   LSN:10  CMD:param,... - Purge IP and/or PROT records from the files.
     IPRES:<ipres>|*       - IP resource (*=all).
     TYPE:ip|prot|ip-prot  - Type of purge.
                           - Archive to be purged (*=all).
                             YEAR is mandatory for ARCHIVE:history or *.
     YEAR:<yyyy>|*         - Year to be purged (*=all).
                             (only for ARCHIVE:history or *).
                           - IP address or range to be purged (*=all).
                             (only for TYPE:ip or ip-prot).
     FROM:ddmmyyyy[-hhmm]  - Optional start date/time.
                             If missing the interval starts from older record.
     TO:ddmmyyyy[-hhmm]    - Optional end date/time.
                             If missing the interval ends with newer record.

   LSN:11  CMD:param,... - Purge IP addresses with total traffic below
                           the specified level from the files.
     IPRES:<ipres>|*       - IP resource (*=all).
                           - Archive to be purged (*=all).
                              YEAR is mandatory for ARCHIVE:history or *.
     YEAR:<yyyy>|*         - Year to be purged (*=all).
                              (only for ARCHIVE:history or *).
     BYTES:<bytes>         - Traffic level (in BYTES).

   LSN:12  CMD:param,... - Delete archive files.
     IPRES:<ipres>|*       - IP resource (*=all).
                           - Archive to be purged (*=all).
                             YEAR is mandatory for ARCHIVE:history or *.
     YEAR:<yyyy>|*         - Year to be purged (*=all).
                             (only for ARCHIVE:history or *).

   LSN:21              - Display DISA statistics
   LSN:21  CMD:CLR     - Clear DISA statistics
   LSN:22              - Display USER statistics
   LSN:22  CMD:CLR     - Clear USER statistics
   LSN:23              - Display ROUTER statistics
   LSN:23  CMD:CLR     - Clear ROUTER statistics
   LSN:24  CMD:name    - Display DISA diagnostics
   LSN:25  CMD:index   - Display ROUTER diagnostics
   LSN:26  CMD:name    - Display ROUTER diagnostics
   LSN:27  CMD:name    - Display DISA diagnostics into time window
   LSN:28  CMD:name    - Display ROUTER diagnostics into time window

   LSN:900 CMD:START   - Activate CTI random data generation
   LSN:900 CMD:STOP    - Deactivate CTI random data generation