59.6. Preferences

This button opens the preferences window.

Figure 59.20. Preferences


  1. Choose the active rule for call forwarding / forking.

  2. The number where calls are forwarded.

  3. Enable/Disable voice mail.

  4. Enable/Disable call waiting.

  5. Open the settings.

  6. Open the Advanced rules.

59.6.1. Rules

You can choose what rule enables:

  • DND (Do Not Disturb): You don't receive calls. If someone tries to call you, he receives the busy signal.

  • Disable all the rules enabled.

  • The call is always forwarded.

  • Enable only options about calls forking.

  • Enable the rules configured in the Settings. Call forwarding / forking

To configure the call forward, click on Settings and on the Call Forward tab. You'll see something like the following figure:

Figure 59.21. Forward settings

Forward settings

  1. Calling number: select if you want that the receiver of the forwarded/forked call sees your number or the real calling number.

  2. Fork options:

    • Fork delay: delay between the start of ringing and start of the forked call.

    • Fork mode:

      • Standard: Both the telephone connected to the Abilis and the one selected for call forking, ring up even if one is busy.

      • Twin: if one of the two telephones is busy, the other one doesn't ring.

  3. Forward options: these options are enabled when you select the Cond. rule .

    • Always: your phone doesn't ring and the calls are immediately forwarded. If you enable this option the others aren't selectable.

    • On busy: the call is forwarded only when your telephone is busy.

    • On No Answer after # seconds: if you don't answer after a defined number of seconds, the call is forwarded.

    • On all other causes: the call is forwarded in other causes different from the previous ones.

    • Fork: enable the call forking for the configured settings. Advanced rules

You can set some personalized rules, that apply only under certain conditions which parameters are:

  • Interface;

  • Calling/called number;

  • Time.

To access to the advanced rule open the Preferences and click on the icon .

The Advanced rules page shows a table of the configured rules.

Figure 59.22. Advanced rules

Advanced rules

Remove a rule

Exchange the priority of a rule

Add a new rule

When adding new rule, you may want to know what is the meaning of the following fields:


    • PR: Set the priority of the rule. If another rule has the same priority, it increases by 1.

    • Admin: If this box is checked, only the admin can modify this rule. You can't check this box if you don't have the admin privileges.

    • Enabled: Enable the current rule.

    • In-Use: Choose if use or not the current rule. If a rule isn't Enabled, you can't use it even if you have checked this checkbox.

  • FILTERS: The rule is active only if the call has the same parameters as the filters

    • Interface: Choose the telephone interface (CTIP, CLUS, IAX, SIP, VO)

    • Called number: The called number of the incoming call.

    • Calling number: The number of the caller

    • Time interval: Choose at what days and hours the rule has to be active.

    • Rule: Choose what causes the action to be executed.


    • Action: Action executed when the filter conditions are met.

    • No Answer time out: Amount of ringing time for considering the call not answered.

    • Fork delay: Delay between the start of ringing and start of the forked call.

    • Fork type: Standard and Twin.

    • Forward number: The number to call when a call is forwarded or forked.

    • Forward calling number: select if you want that the receiver of the forwarded/forked call see your number or the real calling number.

If you want to modify a rule, click on the priority number.

59.6.2. Voice Mail Enable Voice Mail

To enable or disable the voice mail, click on this button . When the voice mail is enabled the button blinks . Voice Mail settings

Figure 59.23. Voice mail settings

Voice mail settings

  1. Select conditions to enable the voice mail.

  2. Insert the mail address where send the caller's message in WAV format (CCITT A-law - 8 KHz - 8 bit - Mono). Multiple mail addresses must be divided by "," or ";". The test button sends an e-mail to the chosen addresses to check if they're available.

  3. Change the audio messages to be played by the voice mail. Upload and change the audio messages

You can set 2 audio messages:

  • Button to change outgoing message: This audio message is played at the begin of the voice mail, before the recording start.

  • Button to change end message: This audio message is played at the end of the voice mail when the max time for the caller's message is reached.

Clicking on one of the previous buttons you get a page like the following one:

Figure 59.24. Change voice mail message

Change voice mail message

You can select a CPM (is our proprietary format, probably you don't have this) or WAV file. The WAV file must be coded in CCITT A-law (or u-law) - 8 KHz - 8 bit - Mono, so if your file has not the right format you must convert it.

The voice mail can play CPM files only, so if you have uploaded a WAV file you need to convert it to a CPM. You can do this clicking on Rebuild.

When you have your personalized CPM audio message on the Abilis, you can select it.

59.6.3. Other settings Notify

You can receive a notification e-mail when a call is lost, forwarded or picked up by other users.

This function can be enabled in the settings, under the Notify tab.

Figure 59.25. Notify settings

Notify settings

  1. Select the conditions to send the e-mail.

  2. Insert the mail address. Multiple mail addresses must be divided by "," or ";". The test button sends an e-mail to the chosen addresses to check if they're available.

  3. Select if send extended data or a short summary. Hide number for outgoing calls

You can hide your number on outgoing calls going on Settings, under Special tab and selecting No in the Calling number presentation in outgoing calls (1)

Figure 59.26. Misc settings

Misc settings Call try settings

The time interval between calls and the amount of retries can be modified clicking on Settings, under the Special tab, and inserting your personalized values (2) Call waiting

When call waiting is enabled, if you receive a call while you are busy you hear a warning tone and the caller hears the ringing tone.

To enable/disable call waiting click on this icon.