An online help function is available for every command. By typing the ? character, all the information, needed to correctly compose the commands, are displayed.
The help function is contextual, this means the help message displayed depends on the ? character position in the command line.
[11:08:39] ABILIS_CPX:
ALARM Alarm operations A Add operations BOOT Boot operations C Clear operations CALL Open a connection or make a call CALLTRY Make a call try CLOSE Close current CP session CONF Configuration management CONFLOG Configuration and/or log files backup/restore CONTACT Address Book D Display operations DEBUG Debug operations DISC Close a Connection DISABLE Disabling operations EXIT Close current CP session ENABLE Enabling operations F Find operations FILE File copy/delete/get/put operations HALT Shutdown operation HELP Display detailed help on a specified topic INIT Init operations IPFLOW IP Trace operations LICENCE Licence operations LIST Lists operations LOGIN Log-in operations LOGOUT Log-out operations M Move operations MSG Voice message service PAR Active parameter operations PING Ping command PINGSTAT Ping statistics command RESET Reset operations RESTART System Restart operations R Restart operations S Set operations SAVE Save operations SCRIPT Lua scripting service SHUTDOWN Shutdown operation SOUND Sound disable/enable operations START Start real-time logging operations SYS System operations TERM Terminal setting operations TEST Testing operations TRACE Trace operations TRACERT Trace route command TRACEROUTE Trace route command TRANSFER Transfer Calls USBDEV USB devices management VALIDATE Current configuration validation WARM System warm start operations X Exchange HW device configurations and resource subtypes ? List of allowed commands ?? Full list of allowed commands | Command output filtering
Inserting the ? character in a more advanced position in the command line, only those key words and their description, allowed by the command language to be place in that position and after on, will be displayed.
[11:19:17] ABILIS_CPX:
alarm ?
VIEW Alarm view RESET Alarm reset
The following example shows how it's possible, through the digitation of ? character in successively different positions, to have a complete description of “Add CTI routing” command:
[11:19:17] ABILIS_CPX:
a ?
ALARM Alarm management rule CRKEY: Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63] CF CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry CONTACT Address Book CTIB CTI channels bundle CTICL CTI cluster CTIDISA CTI DISA Users and Services CTIG CTI group CTIIAX CTIIAX numbers/regitrations management CTIL CTI link CTILG CTI group of links CTIPC CTI permanent connection CTIR CTI routing CTIRE CTI routing CTIRR CTI routing CTISIP CTISIP numbers/regitrations/subscriptions management CTISMS CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages CTIVO CTIVO numbers management CTIVR CTI VR rules DEV: HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255] DHCP DHCP profile/subnet/host DNS DNS server and relay tables FTP FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights GROUP: Group name. Max. 32 ASCII characters. HTTP HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights IKE IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables IPACL IP Access List IPAD IP Routing Administrative Distance IPLB IP Load Balancing entry IPR IP Routing IPSEC IPSEC Security policies and associations tables IPSH IP shaping flows/rules LCSG Last Calling Number Service group LCST Last Calling Number Service table entry LDAP LDAP access rights/referrals/accounts LIST: CPX list name NAT NAT alias entry NPVL NPV link OSPF OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route PVC PVC Connection R SVC Routing RES: Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999] RIP RIP external route TRFA Trfa management USER: User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters. VRRP VRRP Routers VS Video-surveillance cameras and Alarms[11:19:17] ABILIS_CPX:
a ctir ?
PR: CTI routing priority [0..255][11:19:17] ABILIS_CPX:
a ctir pr:1 ?
CTI routing parameter(s): DESCR: Entry description. From 0 up to 70 Alphanumeric extended characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed. Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g. "str1 str2"). In standard format it is displayed only when not empty. In reduced format it is not displayed. ACT: Active/usable record flag [NO, YES] In standard/reduced format it is displayed only when equal to NO. EDT: Editable by HTTP users record flag [NO, YES] In standard/reduced format it is displayed only when equal to YES. BCI: Bearer capability input [TR, DATA, VOICE, Speech, 3.1Khz, UDI, RDI, UDI-TA, Video] POI: Input port/group [#, *, **, G*, G0..G32, PBX, 1..600, Sl, Iax, Sip, Disa, Vo], where: * = Any CTI port ISDN/POTS/VPOTS/CELL; ** = Any CTI port, including Iax, Sip, Disa, Vo. SR: Input cluster/group [#, *, G*, G0..G32, cluster name or EC/RU/MR list name between single quote]. The cluster name must correspond to an existing CTI cluster. The list name must correspond to an existing EC/RU/MR list. GI: Input group [#, G*, G0..G32] OUT: Output group/port/cluster [#, G0..G32, PBX, 1..600, Sl, Iax, Sip Disa, Vo, Vm, Mix, Sl, <AUTO-I>, <AUTO-O>. The cluster name must correspond to an existing CTI cluster. NEXT: Alternative routing selection [N (or NO), U (or UNLIMITED), L (or LIMITED), T (or TRANSFERT), BB (or BUTBUSY)] or the name of ICAUSE/RU/MR list between single quotes (E.g.: T or BUTBUSY or 'my_causes'). LAST: Alternative routing, last failure reason for conditional match [ANY, BUSY, NOANS, OTHER] or the name of ICAUSE/RU/MR list between single quotes (E.g.: NOANS or 'my_causes'). EEC: Extended echo canceller activation [NO, IN, OUT, BOTH] CDI: Input called address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes, or [##, $]. (E.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, ##, $, 'listname', 123'listname') See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. CDO: Output called address [0..9, *, #, 'macro'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes. (E.g.: 123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi', ''listname'', '''', '''.s2', ''listname'.s5') See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. CGI: Input calling address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z, j] attributes, or [##, $]. (E.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, ##, $, 'listname', 123'listname') See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. CGO: Output calling address [0..9, *, #, 'macro'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes. (E.g.: 123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi', ''listname'', '''', '''.s2', ''listname'.s5', 12''listname''34) See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. SDI: Input called sub-address [AlphaNumExt, *, ?, #, ##, $, 'list']. (E.g.: ho11, me1*, ho??12?, ho?12?*, *, #, 'listname', AA'listname') See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. SDO: Output called sub-address [AlphaNumExt, *, #, 'macro']. (E.g.: home123, *, #, home123'sgi', 'sgi'home123'cdi.s5', 'sdi' '''', '''.s2', ''listname'.s5', AAA'''', AAA'sdi'BBB''listname'.s5') See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. SGI: Input calling sub-address [AlphaNumExt, *, ?, #, ##, $, 'list']. (E.g.: ho11, me1*, ho??12?, ho?12?*, *, #, 'listname', AA'listname') See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. SGO: Output calling sub-address [AlphaNumExt, *, #, 'macro']. (E.g.: home123, *, #, home123'sgi', 'sgi'home123'cdi.s5', 'sdi' '''', '''.s2', ''listname'.s5', AAA'''', AAA'sgi'BBB''listname'.s5') See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. RGI: Input redirecting address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z, j] attributes, or [##, $]. (E.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, ##, $, 'listname', 123'listname') See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. RGO: Output redirecting address [0..9, *, #, 'macro'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes. (E.g.: 123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi', ''listname'', '''', '''.s2', ''listname'.s5', 12''listname''34) See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values. BCO: Bearer capability output [*, Speech, 3.1Khz, UDI, RDI, UDI-TA, Video] T301: Alerting time-out [Dft, 5..180 sec.] UDT: Unconditional disconnect timer [NO, 1..9999 sec.] LCS: Enable/disable Last Calling number Service [NO, YES] LCST: Last Calling number Service records timeout [Sys, NONE, 1..999 hour] IG: Input gain [Sys, MUTE, -31..+31 dB] OG: Output gain [Sys, MUTE, -31..+31 dB] SG: Attenuation of DTMF or Tone signals respect to their configured values [Sys, -31..0 dB] DL: Output volume of lower DTMF tone [Sys, MUTE, -31..+3 dBm] DH: Output volume of higher DTMF tone [Sys, MUTE, -31..+3 dBm] FMRLY: Fax/Data relay [NO, YES, Sys] FAXSP: Fax maximum speed [AUTO or 0, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, 14400 bps] MODSP: Modem maximum speed [AUTO or 0, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, 14400 bps] FMLVL: Output volume of Fax/Data signal [Sys, -18..-3 dBm] FMDJ: Fax/Data default jitter buffer size [Sys, 0..1000 ms] FMMJ: Fax/Data maximum jitter buffer size [Sys, 0..1000 ms] ECM: Enable/disable ECM (Error Correcting Mode) for fax [NO, YES, Sys] SP: Voice compression bit rate [5300, 6000, 6300, 6400, 7200, 8000, 8800, 9600, 11200, 13200, 13340, 15200, 16000, 18400, 24000,24800, 32000, 40000, 64000 bps] SC: Silence compression [NO, YES, Sys] DJ: Default jitter buffer size [*, Sys, 0..1000 ms] It must be minor or equal to MJ. MJ: Maximum jitter buffer size [*, Sys, 0..1000 ms] It must be major or equal to DJ. CODERS: Allowed coders [* or Sys or NONE or a list of one or more coder values (see below)]. The available coders are [Transp, G.711, G.726, G.727, GSM6.10, Spirit, G.723.1, G.729A, ILBC, SPEEX, G.711A, G.711u]. Values can be joined using "," operator. The position in the list defines the preference order. The right-most value is the one with the lowest preference. SPOUT: Maximum preferred/allowed bit rate for the audio coder on output side of direct transcoding [*, 5300, 6000, 6300, 6400, 7200, 8000, 8800, 9600, 11200, 13200, 13340, 15200, 16000, 18400, 24000, 24800, 32000, 40000, 64000 bps] SCOUT: Silence compression output [*, Sys, NO, YES] DJOUT: Default jitter buffer size output [*, Sys, 0..1000 ms] It must be minor or equal to MJOUT. MJOUT: Maximum jitter buffer size output [*, Sys, 0..1000 ms] It must be major or equal to DJOUT. CODERSOUT: Preferred list of coders for THIS routing offered to called side [* or Sys or NONE or *,Sys or a list of one or more coder values (see below) or *,list] The available coders are [Transp, G.711, G.726, G.727, GSM6.10, Spirit, G.723.1, G.729A, ILBC, SPEEX, G.711A, G.711u]. Values can be joined using "," operator. The position in the list defines the preference order. The right-most value is the one with the lowest preference. TI1:..TI5: Time interval in the format "day,hh:mm-hh:mm", where 'day' can be: - a single day of the week [MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU] or - a set of days of the week (E.g.: MO+TH or TU+TH+SU) or - a range of days of the week (E.g.: MO-WE or TH-SU) or - a date in the format "dd/mm/yy", where - 'dd' can be [*, 1..31] - 'mm' can be [*, 1..12] - 'yy' can be [*, 0..99] (e.g. 23/12/13 or 31/12/* or 1/*/* or */8/* or 1/04/*) or - begin and end date separated by '-', i.e. "d1/m1/y1-d2/m2/y2", where - 'd1' and 'd2' can be [*, 1..31] - 'm1' and 'm2' can be [*, 1..12] - 'y1' and 'y2' can be [*, 0..99] (e.g. 23/12/13-07/01/14 or 23/12/*-07/01/* or 01/*/*-5/*/*) or - "ALL". Use "#" to disable the time interval (i.e. 'no match').
![]() | Note |
The ? character has to be separated by one or more spaces from the previous word. |
A filter can be applied when asking help to simplify the search of information about a single parameter:
[20:00:02] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-1 ? nat diffserv vrrp
Ip-1 (IP over LAN) resource parameter(s): NAT: NAT usage [NO, INSIDE, OUTSIDE, VPN, DMZ] DIFFSERV: Differentiated Services Field (DS) management [NO, NET, BORDER] VRRP: Enable/disable VRRP [NO, YES] [20:00:25] ABILIS_CPX: [20:02:58] ABILIS_CPX:d user: ? sip-busy-nochan
D USER:val [<section>|<opt>] Display Users Access Control table's entries USER:name User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters. USER:A All entries of the Users Access Control table USER:ALL All entries of the Users Access Control table <section> Select the service section to be displayed between <Optional> [CTIP, CLUS, OPC, CHAT, LDAP, PPP, FTP, HTTP, MAIL, IAX, SIP, VO] The specified section is displayed only if the related service is enabled. <opt> Option: CTINUM, display user's CTI numbers. <Optional> User's parameter(s): SIP-BUSY-NOCHAN: Return BUSY cause instead of NOCHAN [NO, IN, OUT, BOTH]
Besides, a help section is present:
[14:13:23] ABILIS_CPX:help ?
INTERNET Help on INTERNET topics ISDN Help on ISDN topics KEYCODES Supplementary services keycodes SMBIOS List of SMBIOS block types SS Supplementary services SUBTYPE Help on CPX resources subtypes SYSLOG Help on System Log events TIMEZONES List of supported time zones [14:13:30] ABILIS_CPX:help internet ?
ICMP List of ICMP message types PORTS List of assigned TCP/UDP ports PROTOCOLS List of assigned Internet protocols [14:13:26] ABILIS_CPX:help isdn ?
ATTRIBUTES ISDN number attributes CODE ISDN Location/Reason codes MACRO ISDN macro-instruction VALUES Details on meaning of special values [13:49:22] ABILIS_CPX:help keycodes ?
HELP [SS] KEYCODES Show Supplementary service keycodes and descriptions [13:48:47] ABILIS_CPX:help smbios ?
HELP SMBIOS Show the list of of SMBIOS block types [14:13:36] ABILIS_CPX:help ss ?
KEYCODES Supplementary services keycodes [13:46:29] ABILIS_CPX:help subtype ?
HELP SUBTYPE [type] Show the list of allowed subtypes for X25, Sdlc, Hdlct, Fr, Pv and Ip resources. [13:47:38] ABILIS_CPX:help syslog ?
HELP SYSLOG Show the list of System Log events HELP SYSLOG ddddd Show help on the specified System Log event, where 'ddddd' is the decimal event code that appears between square brackets in Abilis CPX System Log file CPX.LOG (E.g. "13/01/2012 17:45:49 [00371] I: LICENCE, LOADED" command "HELP SYSLOG 371" will show help on event 371) [14:13:42] ABILIS_CPX:help timezones ?
HELP TIMEZONES Show the list of supported time zones