Abilis CPX tutorial, release
Abilis CPX tutorial, release
Table of Contents
What's new
About this book
I. Abilis CPX
1. About Abilis CPX
2. Abilis hardware
3. Physical connections
4. Abilis firmware
5. Command language
6. Licencing
7. Logging functionalities
8. Console configurator
II. Hardware configuration
9. POTS card
11. ADSL modem
14. RJS - RJ Switch
16. UPS
III. Software resources
17. CP - Control Port
18. TELNET - TELecommunication NETwork
19. SSH - Secure SHell
20. IPRTR - IP Router
21. NAT - Network Address Translation
22. IPSH - IP Shaping
23. IPACL - IP Access Control List
25. RIP - Routing Information Protocol
26. VRRP - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
27. DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
28. DNS - Domain Name System
29. DDNS - Dynamic DNS
30. SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
31. SNTP - Simple Network Time Protocol
32. ALARM resource
33. UPNP - Universal Plug and Play
34. FTP - File Transfer Protocol
35. TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
36. HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol
37. SYSLOG - The syslog protocol
38. Tunneling proprietary protocols
39. NPV - New Packet Voice
40. IPSEC - Internet Protocol SECurity
41. POEAC - PPP Over Ethernet Access Concentrator
42. SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
43. TRFA - Traffic Analyzer
44. LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
45. VS - Video Surveillance
IV. CTI System
46. CTI System
47. OPC - Operator Panel Control
48. IAX - Inter-Asterisk eXchange
49. SIP - Session Initiation Protocol
50. DISA - Direct Inward System Access
51. CTIAS - CTI Advanced Services
52. CTISMS - CTI SMS resource
53. CTIVO - Virtual Office
54. ACNT - Accounting resource
V. Web interface
55. Enable the access to the web interface
56. Call logs
57. Address Book
58. Preferences
59. OPC panel - End user manual
60. Administration
61. Tools
62. IP/VPN status
63. Phone traffic analyzer
64. IP traffic analyzer
65. PCphone
66. Web filter
67. Messagging
68. SMS gateway
69. Automation
VI. HowTo
70. HowTo - Management
71. HowTo - Networking
72. HowTo - CTI system
73. HowTo - Abilis VMX
74. HowTo - OPC panel - Enduser manual
75. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
VII. Separate software tools
76. CPX accounting software
77. Abilisphone - End user manual
78. AbilisPhone Extended
79. IPsec clients
80. PPPoE clients
81. Softphones
VIII. References
82. List of Commands
83. Log messages
84. Disconnection codes
A. Glossary