37.3. SYSLOG diagnostic and statistics

To display the diagnostic and the statistics of the SYSLOG resource the following commands are used:

d d syslog

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the SYSLOG client and the IP address and ports of SYSLOG servers which Abilis is connected to;

d s syslog

Shows statistic information, such as number of characters received/sent, number of packets received/sent, number of lost packets with too long length, bad format or with answer that doesn't match to request.

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d d syslog

RES:SysLog --------------------------------------------------------------------
       ----------------------|--- CUR ---|-- PEAK ---|
       PENDING-REQUEST       |          0|          2|
       ----------------------|--- CUR ---|-- PEAK ---|--- MAX ---|
       PENDING-QUEUE (Kbytes)|          0|          0|         64|
[11:49:14] ABILIS_CPX:d s syslog

RES:SysLog --------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 10 days 17:56:47 ago, on 16/04/2015 at 19:42:51 ------------
       USER       |      24504|           |RELAY      |          0|           |
       CHR        |          0|    4624116|PCK        |          0|      49008|
       MODIFIED   |          0|           |LONG       |          0|           |
       NO-QUEUE   |          0|           |