7.1. System Log

Abilis CPX System Log file allows registering all the events pertinent to the global working mode.

The System Log is saved on the HD/CF in the file CPX.LOG (fixed size is 50 Kbytes) and updated every time that an event to save occurs. New events are stored and the oldest ones are progressively deleted.

The System Log can be displayed in a running Abilis using the following command. The command d l ? shows the syntax.

[14:49:52] ABILIS_CPX:d l

Current Local Time: Tuesday 22/08/2017 15:14:40 (UTC+2.00)

03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00509] I: LAST RUN ENDED 03/08/2017 07:27:18 (+00..30s)
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00398] I: ABILIS CPX Ver. 8.5.1/STD - Build 4238.7
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00079] I: USING RECONSTRUCTED MP TABLES
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00079] I: USING 2 CPUs
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00474] I: CPU clock 1796 MHz
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00079] W: PCIDEV 8086/1E01 NOT compatible with PIO32
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00079] W: PIO32 disabled for SATA disks
03/08/2017 07:27:54 [00362] I: WATCHDOG MFLPT-2/3 FW Rev. 17
03/08/2017 07:27:54 [00459] I: ABILIS-ID:1800310
03/08/2017 07:27:54 [00163] I: SYSTEM RESET
03/08/2017 07:27:55 [00195] I: CHKDSK C: OK
03/08/2017 07:27:55 [00371] I: LICENCE, LOADED
03/08/2017 07:27:55 [00024] CONF:MISSING BCK
03/08/2017 07:27:55 [00062] CONF:BACKUP
03/08/2017 07:27:56 [00249] I: USB PCI26/0 EHCI F7F07000 16
03/08/2017 07:27:56 [00249] I: USB PCI29/0 EHCI F7F06000 23
03/08/2017 07:28:00 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:01 [00242] I: BSE-1 DSP:0 DWNL OK
03/08/2017 07:28:01 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:init
03/08/2017 07:28:01 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:02 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:init
03/08/2017 07:28:04 [00071] TRACE ACTIVATED
03/08/2017 07:28:04 [00291] I: DSP test start
03/08/2017 07:28:04 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:UP
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00292] I: DSP test end
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00286] I: CTIR ENABLED
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00058] CONF:ACCEPTED
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00091] I: Pad-1 L1-ST:dn DCD:dn DTR:UP
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-2 ST:gU LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-3 ST:DN LINK:ld
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-4 ST:DN LINK:ld
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-5 ST:DN LINK:ld
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-7 ST:gU LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00426] I: Telnet-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00411] I: Nat-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00427] I: Ssh-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00345] I: Dhcp-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00180] I: CtiP-31 L1-ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00182] I: CtiP-31 SapiX25:in
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00180] I: CtiP-32 L1-ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00182] I: CtiP-32 SapiX25:in
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00267] I: CtiP-501 VOICE-ST:dn PDN-ST:dn SMS-ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00095] I: Eth-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00090] I: X25-999 Layer3:down
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00089] I: X25-999 Layer2:cg  
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: X25-999 PLink:ln SLink:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00406] I: Trfa-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Pv-3 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Pv-4 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00095] I: EthUsb-2 ST:NG
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00346] I: DhcpC-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00231] I: IpSec-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00232] I: Ike-1 ST:RD/RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00461] I: NPv-1 ST:UP
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00462] I: NPvl-1    P1:dn P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:dn P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00462] I: NPvl-6    P1:dn P2:-  B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00462] I: NPvl-7    P1:dn P2:-  B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00020] W: EVENTS LOST
03/08/2017 07:28:06 [00107] AUTO SAVE OK
03/08/2017 07:28:09 [00270] I: Ip-2 ST:UP LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:28:09 [00270] I: Ip-7 ST:UP LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:28:10 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:13 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:13 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:13 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:29 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:31 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:31 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:25 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:26 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:26 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:dn P2:UP B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:29:28 [00462] I: NPvl-1    P1:UP P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:29:30 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:UP P2:UP B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:29:43 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:43 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:47 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:49 [00270] I: Ip-3 ST:UP LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:29:49 [00270] I: Ip-4 ST:UP LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:29:52 [00270] I: Ip-5 ST:UP LINK:LR

Interesting chapters: Section 87.1, “System Log messages”.

System Log events can be simultaneously sent to the current Control Port session typing the following command.

[09:41:50] ABILIS_CPX:start l

Current Local Time: Tuesday 22/08/2017 09:41:50 (UTC+2.00)

Start System Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

22/08/2017 09:41:55 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
22/08/2017 09:44:43 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:RD SLink:ln

The System Log content can be cleared using the command c l.


The command allows to display the log file of another version:

[14:57:59] ABILIS_CPX:d l ?

D L [ver] [dd/mm/yyyy] [hh:mm:ss] [LAST:val] [F:val]    Display System Log

<ver>          String corresponding to a version directory in       <Optional> 
               the form [x.y.z or x-y-z or y.z or y-z or y].
               (E.g. 5.3.1 or 6-1-0 or 2189).
dd/mm/yyyy      Starting date                                       <Optional>
hh:mm:ss        Starting time                                       <Optional>
LAST:           Select the display staring position [RUN, 1..999]:  <Optional>
                - LAST:RUN display only events logged in the last run
                  plus five events of the previous run (if any).
                - LAST:nnn display last 'nnn' events, where 'nnn' range
                  is [1..999].
F:              Filtering string. Case-insensitive match.           <Optional>
                Scan the message for the occurrence of the given substring.
                Max 70 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "aaa bbb").