64.13. Videorecorder

This section allows:

Click on Videorecorder to access to the following page:

  1. Option icons:

    Open the Videorecorder settings.

    Take a snapshot.

    Open the live camera mode.

    Start LIve recording, active only when live camera mode is opened.

  2. Cameras: show the list of cameras.

  3. Recordings: show the list of recordings with the ability to filter by:

    • periodical;

    • periodical an alarms.

  4. Playback speed.

  5. Date and time of the current picture.

  6. Zoom In/Out.

  7. Selection bar for the initial and final date and time.

  8. Playback bar.

  9. Playback buttons:

    • Start;

    • Stop.


Interesting chapters:

Chapter 49, VS - Video Surveillance;

Section 64.15, “Rio/Rvs configuration”.

64.13.1. Videorecorder settings

Click on button to access to the Videorecorder settings:

This page allows:

  • configure cameras;

  • configure alarms for cameras. Videorecorder cameras settings

Click on button to access to the Videorecorder cameras settings. This page displays the list of cameras and their most important settings.

This button opens a pop-up windows, where users can edit selected camera:

Modify the desired parameter and click Submit. Videorecorder alarms settings

On the Videorecorder settings page click on button to access to the Videorecorder alarms settings. This page displays the list of alarms for cameras and their most important settings.

This button opens a pop-up windows, where users can add new alarm for camera.

To add a new alarm fill the fields and click on Submit. The alarm has been added

Click on button to delete a selected alarm.

To confirm the alarm deletion click the OK button.

This button opens a pop-up windows, where users can edit selected alarm: