54.4. CTI Cluster

A “Cluster” identifies a connection, used to transport compressed phone calls, between two Abilis. Each cluster is identified with a clear label registered in the Abilis configuration.

Cluster names basically are made from 1 to 8 characters in the range '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', ':', but to support unified namespace we have to exclude the following combinations:

The following commands to manage the CTI Clusters use:

The d cticl ? command shows all available parameters.

The example below shows how to add the cluster Abilis2 (the number associated with the cluster is 0123456).

[15:17:02] ABILIS_CPX:a cticl id:Abilis2 descr:Cluster_to_Abilis2 num:0123456


[15:17:32] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:6         Activated Clusters:8

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
Abilis2  [Cluster_to_Abilis2     NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[  1]     ue*                    NO   NONE           NUM

Meaning of the most important parameters:


For incoming calls, and after NUMx and NUM processing, it rewrites the calling number for not-redirected calls (RG absent) or the redirecting number for redirected calls (RG present). Only for NUM: not equal to "*".

From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '?' '*'] or "#" optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes. The '*' is allowed only alone or as the last character. Any number of '?' is allowed, but only alone or at end of the sequence (E.g. "#", "*", "nnnn*", "?????", "nnnn???" or "nnnnnnnn"). See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes. See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.


Enable/disable management of incoming redirecting [DISABLE, ENABLE].


    • The incoming CALLING NUMBER is processed as usual:

      • If NUM: not equal to "*" it is verified according to NUMx and NUM parameters, rewritten with NUM-IN-REWRITE then passed to CTIR.

      • If NUM:* it is passed unnmodified and NUM-IN-REWRITE ignored.

    • If present, the incoming REDIRECTING NUMBER is ignored, thus the REDIRECTING NUMBER is not passed to CTIR.



      • If NUM: not equal to "*" it is verified according to NUMx and NUM parameters, rewritten with NUM-IN-REWRITE then passed to CTIR.

      • If NUM:* it is passed unnmodified and NUM-IN-REWRITE ignored.

    • Incoming call WITH REDIRECTING NUMBER:

      • The incoming CALLING NUMBER is passed unmodified to CTIR.

      • If NUM: not equal to "*" the REDIRECTING NUMBER is verified according to NUMx and NUM parameters, rewritten with NUM-IN-REWRITE then passed to CTIR.

      • If NUM:* the REDIRECTING NUMBER is passed unmodified and NUM-IN-REWRITE ignored.


Enable/disable supplementary services [NO, YES].


Sets for which direction the Call Path Optimization is allowed [NO: Call Transfer isn't sent out and it's ignored in input, IN: Call Transfer is accepted in input but it isn't sent out, OUT: Call transfer is sent out but it's ignored in input, BID: Call Transfer is sent out and it's accepted in input].


Main number assigned to this cluster.

For incoming calls it verifies and eventually adds/replaces the calling number in non-redirected calls (RG absent) or the redirecting number in redirected calls (RG present).

For outgoing calls it is used by CTI routings with OUT:<AUTO-I> or <AUTO-O> to select the cluster from the called number.

The available values are:

  • *: the Calling Number offered by CTIR is passed transparently to the device;

  • #: the Calling Number isn't passed to the device;

  • ##: enforces the presentation restricted: the Calling Number isn't passed to the device;

  • nnnn: exactly this number is passed as Calling Number to the device;

  • nnnn*: the Calling Number received from CTIR is modified by replacing first four digits with nnnn;

  • nnnn??: similar to nnnn* with the difference that only an exact number of digits as many ? is passed after nnnn;

  • ????: only an exact number of digits as many ? is passed after the nnnn.


Additional number(s) assigned to this cluster.

For incoming calls it verifies the calling number in non-redirected calls (RG absent) or the redirecting number in redirected calls (RG present).

For outgoing calls it is used by CTI routings with OUT:<AUTO-I> or <AUTO-O> to select the cluster from the called number.

From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '?' '*'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes. One '*' is allowed only after one or more numerical characters. One or more '?' are allowed alone or after one or more numerical characters (E.g. "nnnnnnnn", "nnnn*", "?????" or "nnnn???").

Use '-' prefix to delete a number (E.g. "-123456"). Several numbers can be set joining values by ','. (E.g. "NUMx:1234,5555,-77777").


Last Calling number Service group identifier [NONE, 1..32].


Return BUSY cause when MAXCON or MAXBW are exceeded [NO: Return BUSY isn't sent out and it's ignored in input, IN: Return BUSY is accepted in input but it isn't sent out, OUT: Return BUSY is sent out but it's ignored in input, BID: Return BUSY is sent out and it's accepted in input].


Specifies the treatment of the CG number for calls TO the cluster (OUTGOING) [PRIVATE: the CG is sent unmodified, PUBLIC: the CG is emptied when PI is set to RESTRICTED].


Sets for which direction the Precedence Call is allowed [NO: Precedence Call isn't sent out and it's ignored in input, IN: Precedence Call is accepted in input but it isn't sent out, OUT: Precedence Call is sent out but it's ignored in input, BID: Precedence Call is sent out and it's accepted in input]. The priority of the sent or received call is passed transparent mode.


Address book phone number assigned to this cluster."#" or "NUM" or from 1 up to 20 digits ['0'..'9'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or 'macro' (E.g.: 0'NUM' or 123'NUM.s2' or 'NUM'99).

A list of cluster numbers (NumClus) is automatically generated by the system; it contains the correspondence between Clusters and their respective numbers.

[15:22:55] ABILIS_CPX:d list

Last change: 22/04/2015 14:22:37 CET

Used-Lists:  1     Used-Items:    0     Used-Resources:    80  (byte)
Free-Lists:249     Free-Items: 4000     Free-Resources: 645040 (byte)

 Id Name             Type   Description                Edt St RefN. First Numb
  1 NumClus          CLNUM  Automatically_generated...     R      3     0     1
IN:ISDN Numbers,               XN:X25 NUAs,                CR:CPX resources,
INN:ISDN Numbers Normalized,   XU:X25 UDFs,                EC:CTI Clusters,
IS:ISDN Sub Addresses,         IP:IP Addresses,            MAC:MAC Addresses,
INR:ISDN Numbers Replacements, IR:IP Addresses Ranges,     DN:Dialing Numbers,
IN2T:ISDN Numbers to Text,     IPT:Internet Protocols,     TXT:Text,
CLNUM:CTI Clusters Numbers,    TUP:TCP/UDP ports ranges,
ICAUSE:ISDN Cause codes,       ICMPT:ICMP message Types,   RU:Rules,
OPC:OPC Unique User IDs,                                   MR:Master Rules.

[15:29:34] ABILIS_CPX:d list:NumClus

LIST:NumClus              - CLNUM             - Ref-Numb:3     Items-Numb:1  
     0123456              Abilis2

This list can be used to simplify the structure of the CTI Routings: a unique rule can route all the calls for the Clusters, by verifying the called number configured. See the example in the CTI Routing section further details.


Changes made on the CTI Clusters aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.

54.4.1. NUM and NUMx parameters for incoming calls

For incoming calls it verifies and eventually adds/replaces the calling number in non-redirected calls (RG absent) or the redirecting number in redirected calls (RG present).

In the direct incoming call (RG absent) if the NUM:* then the calling number is passed unchanged.

[14:14:03] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl id:2

Configured Clusters:2         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      -                      NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    *                      NO   NONE           NUM

Suppose we have this CTIR rule:

[14:14:04] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir pr:0

Last change: 20/01/2016 07:12:32 CET

   |BCI   |POI |SR      |GI |OUT      |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT        |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP    |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                        |BCO      |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   VOICE  #    *        #   101       ???*                 *                   

Direct call from 767 to 555.

[14:14:08] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Thursday 21/01/2016 14:14:59 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
210116 141524 CtiCl-2       40   40 E-DialRx       CH:78 BC:Speech CD:ux5 CG:uxq767 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
210116 141525 CtiCl-2       40   40 E-CallRx       CH:78 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
210116 141525 CtiCl-2       40   40 E-Route Match  PR:0  
210116 141525 CtiP-101      40   40 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:uxq767
210116 141525 CtiCl-2       40   40 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
210116 141525 CtiP-101      40   40 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
210116 141525 CtiCl-2       40   40 E-AlertTx      CH:78 CODERS:Spirit

Redirected call from 777 with original calling number 767 to 555.

[14:15:38] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Thursday 21/01/2016 14:21:46 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

210116 143117 CtiCl-2       43   43 E-CallRx       CH:90 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit
210116 143117 CtiCl-2       43   43 E-Route Match  PR:0  
210116 143117 CtiP-101      43   43 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:uxq767
210116 143117 CtiCl-2       43   43 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
210116 143117 CtiP-101      43   43 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11

The redirected number isn't passing because the management of incoming redirecting numbers is disable.

Type the following command to enable the management of incoming redirecting numbers for this cluster:

[14:39:32] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:2 rg-in:enable


[14:39:43] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl id:2             

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:2         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      -                      NO   NO    ENABLE   NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    *                      NO   NONE           NUM

Changes made on the CTI clusters aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.

Direct call from 767 to 555.

[15:03:08] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Thursday 21/01/2016 15:03:16 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
210116 150319 CtiCl-2       45   45 E-DialRx       CH:98 BC:Speech CD:ux5 CG:uxq767 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
210116 150320 CtiCl-2       45   45 E-CallRx       CH:98 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
210116 150320 CtiCl-2       45   45 E-Route Match  PR:0  
210116 150320 CtiP-101      45   45 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:uxq767
210116 150320 CtiCl-2       45   45 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
210116 150320 CtiP-101      45   45 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
210116 150320 CtiCl-2       45   45 E-AlertTx      CH:98 CODERS:Spirit

Redirected call from 777 with original calling number 767 to 555.

[15:07:28] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Thursday 21/01/2016 15:07:31 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
210116 150742 CtiCl-2       48   48 E-CallRx       CH:110 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
                                                   RG:uxay777 USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit
210116 150742 CtiCl-2       48   48 E-Route Match  PR:0  
210116 150742 CtiP-101      48   48 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
210116 150742 CtiCl-2       48   48 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
210116 150742 CtiP-101      48   48 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
210116 150742 CtiCl-2       48   48 E-AlertTx      CH:110 CODERS:Spirit

Now the new parameter RG is present on the call. This parameter is possible to use for CTI routings, see: Section 54.7, “Redirecting”.

Type the following command to assign 2 numbers for this cluster:

[08:20:31] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:2 num:888 numx:999


[08:21:05] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl id:2                 

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:2         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      ue*                    NO   NO    ENABLE   NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    888                    NO   NONE           NUM

Changes made on the CTI clusters aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.

Direct call from 767 to 555.

[08:26:01] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 22/01/2016 08:26:21 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
220116 082624 CtiCl-2       82   82 E-DialRx       CH:42 BC:Speech CD:ux5 CG:ueq888 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
220116 082624 CtiCl-2       82   82 E-CallRx       CH:42 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:ueq888 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
220116 082624 CtiCl-2       82   82 E-Route Match  PR:0  
220116 082624 CtiP-101      82   82 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:ueq888
220116 082624 CtiCl-2       82   82 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
220116 082624 CtiP-101      82   82 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
220116 082624 CtiCl-2       82   82 E-AlertTx      CH:42 CODERS:Spirit

Because for this cluster now the NUM and NUMx parameters are present, the original calling number (767) is changed with the NUM parameter (888). When the NUM and NUMx parameters are configured the calling number is verified with the NUM and NUMx parameters, if the calling number is different, then it's changed with NUM parameter.

Redirected call from 777 with original calling number 767 to 555.

[08:32:16] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 22/01/2016 08:32:19 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
220116 083223 CtiCl-2       83   83 E-CallRx       CH:46 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
                                                   RG:ueay888 USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit
220116 083223 CtiCl-2       83   83 E-Route Match  PR:0  
220116 083223 CtiP-101      83   83 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
220116 083223 CtiCl-2       83   83 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
220116 083223 CtiP-101      83   83 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
220116 083223 CtiCl-2       83   83 E-AlertTx      CH:46 CODERS:Spirit

When the RG parameter is present in the call and NUM and NUMx parameters are configured for cluster, then the redirected number (777) is changed with the NUM parameter (888). When the NUM and NUMx parameters are configured and the RG parameter is present, the redirected number is verified with the NUM and NUMx parameters, if the redirected number is different, then it's changed with NUM parameter. The calling number in this situation is passed unchanged.

Type the following command to configure the NUM-IN-REWRITE parameter for this cluster:

[08:43:11] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:2 num-in-rewrite:ue7*


[08:43:45] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl id:2                    

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:2         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      ue7*                   NO   NO    ENABLE   NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    888                    NO   NONE           NUM

Changes made on the CTI clusters aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.

Direct call from 767 to 555.

[08:45:15] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 22/01/2016 08:45:20 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
220116 084525 CtiCl-2       84   84 E-DialRx       CH:50 BC:Speech CD:ux5 CG:ueq788 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
220116 084526 CtiCl-2       84   84 E-CallRx       CH:50 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:ueq788 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
220116 084526 CtiCl-2       84   84 E-Route Match  PR:0  
220116 084526 CtiP-101      84   84 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:ueq788
220116 084526 CtiCl-2       84   84 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
220116 084526 CtiP-101      84   84 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
220116 084526 CtiCl-2       84   84 E-AlertTx      CH:50 CODERS:Spirit

When the NUM-IN-REWRITE parameter is configured the original calling number is changed twice. First change is with NUM parameter (from 767 to 888) and the second change is the NUM with NUM-IN-REWRITE (from 888 to 788). The NUM-IN-REWRITE:ue7* means what the first digit is changed with 7 and the following digits are passed unchanged.

Redirected call from 777 with original calling number 767 to 555.

[08:54:52] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 22/01/2016 08:54:55 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
220116 085458 CtiCl-2       85   85 E-CallRx       CH:54 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
                                                   RG:ueay788 USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit
220116 085458 CtiCl-2       85   85 E-Route Match  PR:0  
220116 085458 CtiP-101      85   85 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:uxq767 
220116 085458 CtiCl-2       85   85 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
220116 085458 CtiP-101      85   85 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
220116 085458 CtiCl-2       85   85 E-AlertTx      CH:54 CODERS:Spirit

When the RG parameter is present in the call and NUM, NUMx and NUM-IN-REWRITE parameters are configured for cluster, then the redirected number (777) is changed with the NUM parameter (888) and the NUM parameter (888) is changed with NUM-IN-REWRITE parameter (obtaining the redirected number 788). The NUM-IN-REWRITE:ue7* means what the first digit is changed with 7 and the following digits are passed unchanged.

We will follow the same situation when RG-IN is disabled. Type the following command to disable the management of incoming redirecting numbers for this cluster:

[09:21:09] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:2 rg-in:disable


[09:21:20] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl id:2

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:2         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      ue7*                   NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    888                    NO   NONE           NUM

Changes made on the CTI clusters aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.

Direct call from 767 to 555.

[09:38:30] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 22/01/2016 09:38:34 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
220116 093838 CtiCl-2       86   86 E-DialRx       CH:58 BC:Speech CD:ux5 CG:ueq788 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
220116 093838 CtiCl-2       86   86 E-CallRx       CH:58 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:ueq788 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
220116 093838 CtiCl-2       86   86 E-Route Match  PR:0  
220116 093838 CtiP-101      86   86 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:ueq788
220116 093838 CtiCl-2       86   86 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
220116 093838 CtiP-101      86   86 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
220116 093838 CtiCl-2       86   86 E-AlertTx      CH:58 CODERS:Spirit

When the NUM-IN-REWRITE parameter is configured the original calling number is changed twice. First change is with NUM parameter (from 767 to 888) and the second change is the NUM with NUM-IN-REWRITE (from 888 to 788). The NUM-IN-REWRITE:ue7* means what the first digit is changed with 7 and the following digits are passed unchanged.

Redirected call from 777 with original calling number 767 to 555.

[09:38:49] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 22/01/2016 09:42:10 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
220116 094214 CtiCl-2       87   87 E-CallRx       CH:62 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:ueq788 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit
220116 094214 CtiCl-2       87   87 E-Route Match  PR:0  
220116 094214 CtiP-101      87   87 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:ueq788
220116 094214 CtiCl-2       87   87 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
220116 094214 CtiP-101      87   87 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
220116 094214 CtiCl-2       87   87 E-AlertTx      CH:62 CODERS:Spirit

It is the same as the above example, because the RG-IN is disabled for this cluster, and the redirected number isn't passed for this call. The calling number changes in this situation.

We will follow the same situation when RG-IN is disabled and the NUM-IN-REWRITE have the default value ue*. Type the following command to set the NUM-IN-REWRITE to the default value for this cluster:

[09:55:58] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:2 num-in-rewrite:ue*


[09:56:06] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl id:2                   

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:2         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      ue*                    NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    888                    NO   NONE           NUM

Changes made on the CTI clusters aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.

Direct call from 767 to 555.

[09:57:20] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 22/01/2016 09:57:26 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
220116 095739 CtiCl-2       88   88 E-DialRx       CH:66 BC:Speech CD:ux5 CG:ueq888 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
220116 095739 CtiCl-2       88   88 E-CallRx       CH:66 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:ueq888 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit,G.723.1
220116 095739 CtiCl-2       88   88 E-Route Match  PR:0  
220116 095739 CtiP-101      88   88 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:ueq888
220116 095739 CtiCl-2       88   88 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
220116 095739 CtiP-101      88   88 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
220116 095739 CtiCl-2       88   88 E-AlertTx      CH:66 CODERS:Spirit

Because for this cluster now the NUM and NUMx parameters are present, the original calling number (767) is changed with the NUM parameter (888). When the NUM and NUMx parameters are configured the calling number is verified with the NUM and NUMx parameters, if the calling number is different, then it's changed with NUM parameter.

Redirected call from 777 with original calling number 767 to 555.

[09:58:56] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 22/01/2016 09:59:02 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
220116 095905 CtiCl-2       89   89 E-CallRx       CH:70 BC:Speech CD:ux555 CG:ueq888 
                                                   USER:test2 CODERS:Spirit
220116 095905 CtiCl-2       89   89 E-Route Match  PR:0  
220116 095905 CtiP-101      89   89 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:CtoV CD:ux555 CG:ueq888
220116 095905 CtiCl-2       89   89 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux555 CDO:ux555
220116 095905 CtiP-101      89   89 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:11
220116 095905 CtiCl-2       89   89 E-AlertTx      CH:70 CODERS:Spirit

It's the same as the above example, because the RG-IN is disabled for this cluster, and the redirected number isn't passed for this call. The calling number changes in this situation.

To delete a number from a cluster, type the following command:

[11:04:03] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:2 numx:-999


[11:04:23] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl id:2

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:2         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      ue*                    NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    888                    NO   NONE           NUM

Changes made on the CTI clusters aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.

54.4.2. NUM and NUMx parameters for outgoing calls

For outgoing calls NUM and NUMx are used by CTI routings with OUT:<AUTO-I> or <AUTO-O> to select the cluster from the called number:

  • <AUTO-I> : by specifying this value in OUT, the routing will be matched according to the standard rules. The destination cluster will be chosen by comparing the field CDI with the NUMs set in each cluster. When the match is found, the corresponding cluster will be the real destination of the call.

  • <AUTO-O> : by specifying this value in OUT, the routing will be matched according to the standard rules. The destination cluster will be chosen by comparing the field CDO with the NUMs set in each cluster. When the match is found, the corresponding cluster will be the real destination of the call.

These values are useful to reduce the number of rules in the CTIR table, but to use these values is needed to configure for cluster the NUM and NUMx parameters.

Suppose we have four clusters:

[08:51:37] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:4         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      ue*                    NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    888                    NO   NONE           NUM
Antek     -                      NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   1]    *                      NO   NONE           NUM
test      -                      NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   3]    *                      NO   NONE           NUM
test2     -                      NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   4]    *                      NO   NONE           NUM

Suppose we have this CTIR table:

[09:00:44] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir 

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Last change: 25/01/2016 09:00:20 CET

   |BCI   |POI |SR      |GI |OUT      |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT        |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP    |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                        |BCO      |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   VOICE  PBX  #        #   AADM      888                  *                   
1   VOICE  PBX  #        #   Antek     777                  *                   
2   VOICE  PBX  #        #   test      666                  *                   
3   VOICE  PBX  #        #   test      55?                  *                   

To reduce the number of rules in the CTIR table, the first step is needed to configure for clusters the NUM and NUMx parameters:

[09:23:32] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:1 num:777


[09:24:28] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:3 num:666


[09:24:42] ABILIS_CPX:s cticl id:4 num:55?


[09:25:20] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl             

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Configured Clusters:4         Activated Clusters:8         

CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
         |NUM:                  |PC: |LCS-GROUP:    |ADDRBOOK-NUM:
AADM      ue*                    NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   2]    888                    NO   NONE           NUM
Antek     ue*                    NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   1]    777                    NO   NONE           NUM
test      ue*                    NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   3]    666                    NO   NONE           NUM
test2     ue*                    NO   NO    DISABLE  NO            PRIVATE
[   4]    55?                    NO   NONE           NUM

Changes made on the CTI clusters aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.

Type the following command to add a rule with <AUTO-I> value for the OUT field.

[09:30:52] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:0 poi:pbx out:<auto-i> cdi:'numclus'


[09:36:44] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir pr:0

Last change: 25/01/2016 09:31:44 CET

   |BCI   |POI |SR      |GI |OUT      |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT        |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP    |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                        |BCO      |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   VOICE  PBX  #        #   <AUTO-I>  'NumClus'            *                   

Changes made on the CTI routing table aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir.

Now we have just one rule, those old can be deleted, see: Section 54.5.3, “Clear CTI Routing Table (C CTIR)”.

54.4.3. CTI Link

To transfer compressed phone calls the CTI Link associates a cluster with a data resource.

The data resources that may be associated with clusters are:

  • AIPT (Abilis IP Tunnel)

  • PV (Packet Voice)

  • NPV (New Packet Voice)

The following commands to manage the CTI Links use:

  • a ctil id:xx [par:value]: adds a new CTI Link;

  • s ctil id:xx [par:value]: sets a CTI Link;

  • c ctil id:xx: clears a CTI Link;

  • d ctil: displays the CTI Link table.

The d ctil ? command shows all available parameters.

The example below shows how to associate the cluster Abilis2 with the resource PV-1.

[15:55:24] ABILIS_CPX:a ctil id:1 res:pv-1 clus:abilis2 maxbw:64000


[15:55:35] ABILIS_CPX:d ctil

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------

Configured Links:1

  1 Pv-1        Abilis2       64000   NOMAX   NONE

For each CTI Link you can define a maximum bandwidth to use with compressed phone calls; this could be very interesting if you want to limit the number of calls toward a specific direction. A link inside a group and a further maximum bandwidth (GROUP-MAXBW) can be configured.


Changes made on the CTI Links aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys. CTI Link Group

CTI Link can be joined together in groups. For each group a value of MAX Bandwidth can be established. This can be very useful to limit the number of simultaneous compressed calls for the CTI Links which belong to the group.

The following commands to manage the CTI Link Groups use:

  • a ctilg id:<ctilg_number> [group-maxbw:<maxbw_value>] [descr:<description>]: adds a new CTI Link Group;

  • s ctilg id:<ctilg_number> [group-maxbw:<maxbw_value>] [descr:<description>]: sets an existing CTI Link Group;

  • c ctilg id:<ctilg_number>: clears a CTI Link Group;

  • d ctilg [id:<ctilg_number>]: displays the list of CTI Link Group or a specific one.

The d ctilg ? command shows all available parameters. The Example below shows how to create a new CTI Link Group and how join a CTI Link in the group.

[09:31:12] ABILIS_CPX:a ctilg id:1 group-maxbw:64000 descr:Collaborators


[09:37:00] ABILIS_CPX:d ctilg

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

  1         64000          NOMAX  Collaborators

[11:28:10] ABILIS_CPX:d ctil

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

Configured Links:1         Activated Links:8

  1 Pv-1        Abilis2       64000   NOMAX   NONE

[11:28:23] ABILIS_CPX:s ctil id:1 group:1


[11:28:43] ABILIS_CPX:d ctil

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

Configured Links:1         Activated Links:8

  1 Pv-1        Abilis2       64000   NOMAX      1 (       64000         NOMAX)

Changes made on the CTI Link Groups aren't immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctisys.