61.7. CTISIP diagnostics, statistics, logs and debug

61.7.1. CTISIP diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the CTISIP resource the following commands are used:

d d ctisip/d d sip

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the resource, the currently used channels, the remote SIP username, the local/remote IP address-port of the SIP channel for incoming packets, the calling and the called number only for in-use sessions.

d de ctisip/d de sip

Shows diagnostic information in an extended format: the same information listed for d d sip command and the state of Unattended/Attended Call Transfer, the local/remote IP address-port of the SIP channel for outgoing packets, the local/remote IP address-port for RTP and RTCP channel only for in-use sessions.

[12:34:34] ABILIS_CPX:d d sip

RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
       - SIP Channels diagnostics ---------------------------------------------
       CH:  SIP-State               SIP-LocAdd-Port-In       SIP-RemAdd-Port-In
            Q931-State              CG                       CD
            User                             CallId
       0    CONNECTED     
            10-CONNECTED-FROM       888                      767
            test                             OWMxMDQzYTliODBjZjU4MzJkN2RkMT..
[12:34:34] ABILIS_CPX:d de sip

RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
       - SIP Channels diagnostics ---------------------------------------------
       CH:  SIP-State               SIP-LocAdd-Port-In       SIP-RemAdd-Port-In
                                    SIP-LocAdd-Port-Out      SIP-RemAdd-Port-Out
            Q931-State              CG                       CD
            User                             CallId
            RTP-State               RTP-LocAdd-LocPort       RTP-RemAdd-RemPort
            RTCP-State              RTCP-LocAdd-LocPort      RTCP-RemAdd-RemPort
            Q932-State   CPO-State  UCT-State                ACT-State
       0    CONNECTED     
            10-CONNECTED-FROM       uxq888                   ue767
            test                             OWMxMDQzYTliODBjZjU4MzJkN2RkMT..

Is possible to use some additional filters when more calls are in-use.

[14:27:11] ABILIS_CPX:d d sip ?

D D [RES:]CtiSip                           Display diagnostics of CtiSip
D D [RES:]CtiSip filter:val [filter:val]   Display diagnostics of SIP channels
                                           matching the specified filters.

Allowed filters:

CH:        SIP channel identifier.                                   <Optional>
           One value in the range [0..7999] or a range of values 'xxx-yyy'
           or a list of values 'xxx,yyy,...' separated by ',' (comma)
           or A or ALL.
CD:        Filter SIP channels by Called address.                    <Optional>
           From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '?'
           '*'] or #, optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k]
           and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
CG:        Filter SIP channels by Calling address.                   <Optional>
           From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '?'
           '*'] or #, optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k]
           and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q]
           and/or SI [y, v, w, z, j] attributes.
USER:      Filter SIP channels by User name.                         <Optional>
           From 1 up to 32 characters in the range ['0'..'9',
           'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', ':'], or a string preceded and/or
           followed by '*' (e.g. *mystr or mystr* or *mystr*) or #.
IP:        Filter SIP channels by remote IP address                  <Optional>
PO:        Filter SIP channels by remote UDP port.                   <Optional>

The meaning:


Overall state of SIP driver:

  • INACTIVE - SIP driver does not accept incoming SIP calls and does not make outgoing SIP calls.

  • ACTIVE - SIP driver fully active.




Currently used channels.


Channel identifier.


State of SIP protocol for this Channel


State of Q931 protocol for this Channel.


SIP Channel remote SIP user name.


State of RTP protocol for this Channel: CLOSED, OPENING, OPENED, CLOSING.


State of RTCP protocol for this Channel: CLOSED, OPENING, OPENED, CLOSING.


State of Q932 protocol for this Channel.


SIP Channel local IP address / UDP port for incoming packets.


SIP Channel local IP address / UDP port for outgoing packets.


SIP Channel remote IP address / UDP port for incoming packets.


SIP Channel remote IP address / UDP port for outgoing packets.


The Calling Number of the Call.


The Called Number of the Call.


Call identifier.


SIP RTP Channel local IP address / UDP local port.


SIP RTPC Channel local IP address / UDP local port.


SIP RTP Channel remote IP address / UDP remote port.


SIP RTPC Channel remote IP address / UDP remote port.


State of Unattended Call Transfer for this Channel.


State of Attended Call Transfer for this Channel.


State of Call Path Optimization for this Channel.

61.7.2. CTISIP statistics

To display statistics of the CTISIP resource the following commands are used:

d s ctisip/d s sip

Shows statistic information, such as the number of incoming/outgoing accepted/rejected calls, the number of incoming/outgoing succesful/failed registrations, the number of incoming/outgoing reinvites, the number of successful incoming/outgoing transfers, the number of expired retransmission timer in incoming/outgoing calls.

d se ctisip/d se sip

Shows statistic information of OPENED SIP channels.

d se ctisip all/d se sip all

Shows statistic information of of ALL SIP channels.

[12:34:34] ABILIS_CPX:d s sip

RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 7 days 16:30:07 ago, on 25/06/2020 at 19:06:33 -------------
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       SUCC-REG   |        480|          0|FAIL-REG   |         52|          0|
       SUCC-SUB   |         18|           |FAIL-SUB   |         60|           |
       SUCC-NOT   |           |          0|FAIL-NOT   |           |         18|
       SUCC-TRAN  |          0|          0|FAIL-TRAN  |          0|          0|
       NOCHAN-CALL|          0|          0|NOCHAN-REG |          0|          0|
       NOCHAN-SUB |          0|           |NOCHAN-NOT |           |          0|
       EXP-RETRY  |          0|          0|DTMF       |          2|          0|
       HOLD       |          0|          0|UN-HOLD    |          0|          0|
       UNKNOWN    |          0|         51|REINVITES  |          0|          0|
       SIP-NOBUF  |          0|          0|OUTSEQ     |          0|           |
       DENIED-IP  |          2|           |BANNED-IP  |          0|           |
[12:34:34] ABILIS_CPX:d se sip

RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 7 days 16:30:11 ago, on 25/06/2020 at 19:06:33 -------------
       CH:0       CallId:OWMxMDQzYTliODBjZjU4MzJkN2RkMT..
       ST:OPENED  CG:uxq888                     CD:ue767
       RTP-PCK    |       1587|       1596|T38-PCK    |          0|          0|
       RTP-NOBUF  |          0|          0|T38-NOBUF  |          0|          0|
       RTP-MISS   |          2|          0|T38-MISS   |          0|           |
       RTP-OUTSEQ |          0|           |T38-OUTSEQ |          0|           |
       RTP-REORDER|          0|           |T38-REORDER|          0|           |
       RTP-MALFORM|          0|           |T38-MALFORM|          0|           |
       RTCP-PCK   |         13|          1|SIP-OUTSEQ |          0|           |

Is possible to use some additional filters when more calls are in-use.

[14:27:11] ABILIS_CPX:d s sip ?

D SE [RES:]CtiSip                              Display statistics of OPENED SIP channels
D SE [RES:]CtiSip ALL | CH:A | CH:ALL          Display statistics of ALL SIP channels
D SE [RES:]CtiSip CH:x                         Display statistics of SPECIFIED SIP channel

D SE [RES:]CtiSip filter:val [filter:val]      Display statistics of OPENED SIP channels
                                               matching the specified filters.
D SE [RES:]CtiSip ALL filter:val [filter:val]  Display statistics of ALL SIP channels
                                               matching the specified filters.


ALL        ALL SIP channels.                                         <Optional>
           It is the same as CH:A or CH:ALL.
CH:        SIP channel identifier.                                   <Optional>
           One value in the range [0..7999] or a range of values 'xxx-yyy' or
           a list of values 'xxx,yyy,...' separated by ',' (comma) or A or ALL.
           Value CH:A and CH:ALL are the same as option ALL.

Allowed filters:

CD:        Called address.                                           <Optional>
           Up to 20 characters in the range ['0'..'9', '?', '*'] or #.
CG:        Calling address.                                          <Optional>
           Up to 20 characters in the range ['0'..'9', '?', '*'] or #.
USER:      User name.                                                <Optional>
           Up to 32 characters in the range ['0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z',
           '_', ':'], optionally preceded and/or followed by '*'
           (e.g. *mystr or mystr* or *mystr*) or #.

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 7 days 16:30:11 ago») these counters show the number of:

SUCC-CALLSuccessful incoming/outgoing calls.
SUCC-REGSuccessful incoming/outgoing registrations.
SUCC-SUBSuccessful incoming/outgoing subscriptions.
SUCC-NOTSuccessful outgoing notifications.
SUCC-TRANReceived and executed incoming/outgoing call transfer requests.
FAIL-CALLFailed incoming/outgoing calls
FAIL-REGFailed incoming/outgoing registrations.
FAIL-SUBFailed incoming/outgoing subscriptions.
FAIL-NOTFailed outgoing notifications.
FAIL-TRANReceived and failed incoming/outgoing call transfer requests.
NOCHAN-CALLIncoming/outgoing calls discarded because there was no available channel.
NOCHAN-SUBIncoming subscriptions discarded because there was no available channel.
NOCHAN-REGIncoming/outgoing registrations discarded because there was no available channel.
NOCHAN-NOTOutgoing notifications discarded because there was no available channel.
EXP-RETRYExpired retransmission timer in incoming/outgoing calls.
DTMFReceived/sent DTMF frames.
HOLDReceived/sent ON HOLD invite.
UN-HOLDReceived/sent OFF HOLD invite.
UNKNOWNReceived/sent unknown responses.
REINVITESIncoming/outgoing re-invites.
SIP-NOBUFIN - discarded voice packets coming from UDP because buffers full. OUT - discarded voice packets coming from CTIR because buffers full.
OUTSEQOut of sequence frames.
DENIED-IPDiscarded signalling packets coming from UDP cause IP source is not allowed. The not-allowed requester is a client whose IP address is not present in IPSRC and IPSRCLIST parameters configuration.
BANNED-IPDiscarded signalling packets coming from UDP cause IP source is banned by IPBAN service.

SIP channel statistic:

CHChannel Identifier.
CallIdCall identifier.
STState of the Channel.
CGThe Calling Number of the Call.
CDThe Called Number of the Call.
RTP-PCKReceived/sent RTP packets.
RTP-NOBUFLost incoming/outgoing RTP packets cause buffer overflow.
RTP-MISSIN - missing RTP packets. OUT - missing outgoing RTP Packets cause jittering.
RTP-OUTSEQOut of sequence RTP packets.
RTP-REORDERReordered RTP packets.
RTP-MALFORMMalformed IN RTP packets.
T38-PCKReceived/sent T38 packets.
T38-NOBUFLost incoming/outgoing T38 packets cause buffer overflow.
T38-MISSMissing T38 packets.
T38-OUTSEQOut of sequence T38 packets.
T38-REORDERReordered T38 packets.
T38-MALFORMMalformed IN T38 packets.
RTCP-PCKReceived/sent RTCP packets.
SIP-OUTSEQOut of Sequence SIP messages.

61.7.3. CTISIP logs

To show the log of CTISIP type the following command:

[15:54:16] ABILIS_CPX:d sip log


19/07 15:57:23 [ 10] Reg Info in IN channel with
19/07 15:57:23 [ 10] Opened new SIP REG channel
19/07 15:57:23 [ 10] Declared user: test
19/07 15:57:23 [ 10] Freeing the channel
19/07 15:57:28 [ 10] Reg Info in IN channel with
19/07 15:57:28 [ 10] Opened new SIP REG channel
19/07 15:57:28 [ 10] Declared user: test3
19/07 15:57:28 [ 10] Freeing the channel
19/07 15:59:34 [ 10] Reg Info in IN channel with
19/07 15:59:34 [ 10] Opened new SIP REG channel
19/07 15:59:34 [ 10] Declared user: test
19/07 15:59:34 [ 10] Freeing the channel
19/07 15:59:38 [ 10] Reg Info in IN channel with
19/07 15:59:38 [ 10] Opened new SIP REG channel
19/07 15:59:38 [ 10] Declared user: test3
19/07 15:59:38 [ 10] Freeing the channel
19/07 16:00:15 [ 10] Reg Info in IN channel with
19/07 16:00:15 [ 10] Opened new SIP REG channel
19/07 16:00:15 [ 10] Declared user: test
19/07 16:00:15 [ 10] Freeing the channel
19/07 16:00:16 [ 10] Reg Info in IN channel with
19/07 16:00:16 [ 10] Opened new SIP REG channel
19/07 16:00:16 [ 10] Declared user: test3
19/07 16:00:16 [ 10] Freeing the channel

To set the filter event use, type the command: s ctisip log event:<filter>

[15:55:22] ABILIS_CPX:s ctisip log event: ?

S CTISIP LOG EVENT:val                Set CTISIP log events filter

EVENT:         CTISIP log events filter [ERR, REG, INFO] or [DFT, FULL], where:
               - ERR, REG, INFO filters can be joined using "," operator;
               - DFT: means ERR events;
               - FULL: means every type of event.

[15:55:46] ABILIS_CPX:s ctisip log event:full

Debug log mask was set to:ERR REG INFO 

To clear the log, type the following command:

[15:55:25] ABILIS_CPX:c ctisip log

Now session log is empty

61.7.4. D SIP CALLS

SIP call data can be delivered to a SYSLOG server, moreover the latest 1000 calls are kept in ram memory and are visible via D SIP CALLS command. Each record contains several fields like timestamps, numbers, users, state reached, RTP ad T38 statistics.

Below there is an example for different calls:

  • direct call with RTP and T38

  • direct call with RTP

  • redirected call with RTP

[12:32:04] ABILIS_CPX:d sip calls

010720 121254 start:2020-07-01 12:12:00.841 dur:7/46 user:test210 In CONN-FROM cg:9002 cd:5103 rtp-I/O[462/458 0/0 0/0 0/- 0/- 0/-] t38-I/O[676/74 0/0 0/- 0/- 0/- 0/-] ses:1246 id:1246
010720 122925 start:2020-07-01 12:28:52.692 dur:1/32 user:test210 In CONN-FROM cg:9002 cd:5103 rtp-I/O[1540/1622 0/0 0/0 0/- 0/- 0/-] ses:1379 id:1379
010720 190238 start:2020-07-01 19:02:35.013 dur:2/1 user:test210 Out CONN-TO cg:5103 cd:9002 rg:5101 rtp-I/O[54/54 0/0 0/0 0/- 0/- 0/-] ses:6 id:7 

Description of fields:

  • start: date and time of call start

  • dur: duration in seconds of start-to-active phase/active-to-close. In practice the time required to get connected and the time spent in connected.

  • user: Abilis user involved in the call

  • call direction: In CONN-FROM or Out CONN-TO as seen from Abilis side, i.e. user->Abilis is In, Abilis->user is Out.

  • cd: called number

  • cg: calling number

  • rg: redirecting numer. This field is present only if the redirecting number is present in the call.

  • rtp-I/O: RTP statistics of input and output directions, fields are in the same order as D SE output, i,e.: PCK, NOBUF, MISS, OUTSEQ, REORDER, MALFORM.

  • t38-I/O: T38 statistics of input and output directions, fields are in the same order as D SE output, i,e.: PCK, NOBUF, MISS, OUTSEQ, REORDER, MALFORM.

61.7.5. Debug of the CTISIP resource

Below debug commands are described.


To use these commands you need to have administrator or super user rights.

Type the following command to display the syntax of the command:

[12:34:34] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctisip lsn:0

RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:64512  Date/Time:29/05/2015 15:22:27 TraceTime:70443851


   LSN:0                   - This help
   LSN:1                   - Extra channels diags
   LSN:2                   - Advanced channels diags
   LSN:3                   - Show debug log
   LSN:3 CMD:CLR           - Clear debug log
   LSN:3 CMD:SET:[DFT | CLR | FULL | [level,...]] - Set log event mask
                       No parameters - Show current events log mask
                       DFT    - Log default events (ERR events only)
                       CLR    - Clear log event mask
                       FULL   - Log all events
                       ERR    - Log only error events
                       REG    - Registration events
                       INFO   - Informative events
   LSN:4                   - Show registrations
   LSN:4  CMD:<user>       - Show registration of the specified user
   LSN:5                   - Show subscriptions
   LSN:5  CMD:<user>       - Show subscriptions of the specified user
   LSN:10 CMD:<user>       - Make remote registration with the specified user
   LSN:11 CMD:<user>       - De-register the specified user
   LSN:12 CMD:<user>       - Remove subscriptions of the specified user
   LSN:20 CMD:<NumPackets>  - Simulates loss of NumPackets packets from CTIR
   LSN:21 CMD:<NumPackets>  - Simulates loss of NumPackets packets to CTIR
   LSN:22                  - Print Call&Ring table
   LSN:23                  - Print Capability table
   LSN:24 CMD:<user>       - Remove a specified user  from capability table
   LSN:24 CMD:ALL          - Remove all users from capability table
   LSN:30                  - Show extra UDP receivers dignostics

Type the below command to view the event logs connected with the users registration:

[12:37:17] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctisip lsn:3

RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:64512  Date/Time:29/05/2015 15:23:20 TraceTime:70496487

29/05/2015 09:33:26 - [   30] Error in OUT channel with
29/05/2015 09:33:26 - [   30] AUTH timer timeout
29/05/2015 11:08:09 - [   30] Error in OUT channel with
29/05/2015 11:08:09 - [   30] AUTH timer timeout
29/05/2015 15:34:56 - [   30] Error in OUT channel with
29/05/2015 15:34:56 - [   30] AUTH timer timeout
29/05/2015 15:40:44 - [   30] Error in OUT channel with
29/05/2015 15:40:44 - [   30] AUTH timer timeout
29/05/2015 17:46:24 - [   30] Error in OUT channel with
29/05/2015 17:46:24 - [   30] AUTH timer timeout

This table shows data, time, identification of the event and the description of the error.

Possible errors could be:

  • Unknown user;

  • Codec not supported;

  • Retransmission out of time (happens when you're cut off).

The most common usage is:

  • debug res:ctisip lsn:3: shows log;

  • debug res:ctisip lsn:3 cmd:clr: clear log;

  • debug res:ctisip lsn:3 cmd:set:err: set log mask to log only errors events;

  • debug res:ctisip lsn:3 cmd:set:err,reg: set log mask to log only errors and registration events;

  • debug res:ctisip lsn:3 cmd:set:full: set log mask to log any event.

The following command allows to show the registration table (remote peers registered with Abilis and remote peers Abilis is registered too).

[17:03:12] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctisip lsn:4

RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:64512  Date/Time:29/05/2015 15:24:37 TraceTime:70573545

User                             Host            Prot Port REG    LIFETIME  AGE
sip_proxy               UDP  5060 REMOTE      120   21
zoiper                  UDP  5060 LOCAL        60   35

Meaning of the parameters:


Username registered in the user table (d user).


IP address of the user.


Transport protocol.


UDP port of the user.


Registration of the user [REMOTE: Abilis is registered to a remote peer; LOCAL: a remote peer is registered to Abilis].


How often (in seconds) the registration is requested.


Time (in seconds) since last valid registration.

In the previous example, Abilis is registered to the remote peer sip_proxy (IP address: which needs Abilis registration each 120 seconds; Abilis registered itself 21 seconds ago.

The user zoiper (IP address: is registered to Abilis; it registered itself 35 seconds ago.