By the terms “Elements Lists” we refer to a list of objects, belonging to the same homogeneous type, that are identified by the generic term “item”. The possible “item” values are:
IN: ISDN numbers
IS: ISDN sub-addresses
EC: CTIC clusters
XN: X.25 NUAs
XU: X.25 User data fields
IP: IP addresses
IPR: IP Addresses Replacements
DN: dialling numbers
CR: CPX resources
TUP: TCP/UDP ports
TUPR: TCP/UDP ports Replacements
IPT: Internet Protocols
MAC: MAC Addresses
INN: ISDN Numbers Normalized
INP: ISDN Number/CD Pair
IN2T:ISDN Numbers to Text
UNUM: Users Numbers
GUNUM: Users Groups Numbers
ICAUSE: ISDN Cause codes
ICMPT: ICMP message Types
OPC: OPC Unique User IDs
EC: CTI Clusters
RU: Rules
MR: Master Rules
UIP: Users IP addresses
TIN: Timeout ISDN Numbers
Some examples follow.
Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.
list create tech_support IN Numbers_technical_support | Create the list technical_support ,
with type IN (ISDN Numbers) and give it the
Numbers_technical_support . |
a list:tech_support 21 24 27 02223344 | Insert the numbers in the list. |
save conf | Save the configuration. |
On a working Abilis, the changes in a list are immediately active.
Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.
list create SMTP_allowed IP IP_Address_allowed_to_SMTP | Create the list SMTP_allowed , with
type IP (IP addresses) and give it the
IP_Address_allowed_to_SMTP . |
a list:SMTP_allowed | Insert the IP addresses in the list.. |
save conf | Save the configuration. |
On a working Abilis, the changes in a list are immediately active.
Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.
list create NET_site2 IR Network_Site_2 | Create the list NET_site2 , with type
IR (IP addresses Range) and give it the
description Network_Site_2 . |
a list:NET_site2 | Insert in the IP addresses range in the list. |
save conf | Save the configuration. |
On a working Abilis, the changes in a list are immediately active.