11.2. CTI Routing configuration

Calls directed to GSM/UMTS gateway can't be routed in transparent mode; you must create internal clusters and route the calls trough packet voice resources.

11.2.1. CTI Routing table configuration

Assume that:

  • Abilis has the following CTI ports configuration: ports 31 and 32 are toward the PBX, ports 33 and 34 toward the ISDN lines and ports 201 and 202 toward GSM/UMTS gateway.

  • internal cluster clus1 and clus2 are already created.

Type the following command to verify ctig configuration:

[18:12:13] ABILIS_CPX:d ctig
 ID: SCAN: RULE: PICKUP:   |P1   P2   P3   P4   P5   |P6   P7   P8   P9   ...
                           |...  P62  P63  P64
 1   NO    R     ST        |31   32   .    .    .    |.    .    .    .    .
 2   NO    R     ST        |33   34   .    .    .    |.    .    .    .    .
 3   NO    R     ST        |201  202  .    .    .    |.    .    .    .    .

At this moment GSM or UMTS gateway supports only G.711 coder. Other codecs are supported by transcoding through additional ISDN cards. CTIR from ISDN ports to GSM or UMTS gateway

The following routings allow to route calls coming from a group of BRI ports (G1) toward GSM/UMTS gateway (G3) for numbers starting with digit 3.

[18:22:32] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:3 type:ctov sr:clus2 poo:g3 coders:g.711 sp:64000 cdi:* sc:no dj:0 mj:40


[18:22:56] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:4 type:vtoc poi:g1 ds:clus1 coders:g.711 sp:64000 cdi:3* next:u sc:no dj:0 mj:40


[18:23:40] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
3   CtoV  Clus2             G3        *                    *
    NO          ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
    64000 NO    0     40    Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
                                      *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys  NO   Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys
4   VtoC  G1                Clus1     3*                   *
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
    64000 NO    0     40    Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
                                      *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys  NO   Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys

5   TR    G1                G2        *                    u*
6   TR    G2                G1        *                    *

The routing PR:4 routes calls coming from G1 ports to internal cluster Clus1, while the routing PR:3 accepts calls from internal cluster Clus2 and forwards them to GSM/UMTS gateway.

The NEXT parameter in the routing PR:4 is set to UNLIMITED; if call fails, it would try to use next routings.


Interesting chapter: Section 43.6, “CTI Router”.

Figure 11.1. CTIR from ISDN port

CTIR from ISDN port CTIR from a remote cluster to GSM or UMTS gateway

The following routing allows to route calls coming from a remote cluster (e.g. Abilis2) toward GSM gateway (G3) for numbers starting with 3.

[18:33:54] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:3 type:ctoc sr:Abilis2 ds:clus1 cdi:3* coders:g.711 sp:64000 sc:no djout:0 mjout:40


[18:34:38] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
3   CtoC  Abilis2           Clus1     3*                   *
    NO          ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
    64000 NO    *     *     Sys  Sys  *                    *
    *     *     0     40    NO   Sys  *                    *
                                      *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys  NO

4   CtoV  Clus2             G3        *                    *
    NO          ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
    64000 NO    0     40    Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
                                      *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys  NO   Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys
5   VtoC  G1                Clus1     3*                   *
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
    64000 NO    0     40    Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
                                      *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys  NO   Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys
6   TR    G1                G2        *                    u*
7   TR    G2                G1        *                    *

The routing PR:3 accepts the calls coming from the remote cluster Abilis2 toward numbers starting with 3 and forward them to internal cluster Clus1. The call will be intercepted by the routing PR:4 and forwarded to GSM gateway. CTIR from GSM or UMTS gateway to a group of ISDN ports

The following routings allow to route calls coming from GSM/UMTS gateway (calls directed to the number of the SIM card inserted in the CELL modem) to a group of BRI ports (G1).

[18:46:24] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:3 type:vtoc poi:g3 ds:clus2 cdi:* coders:g.711 sp:64000 cdo:711 sc:no dj:0 mj:40


[18:49:41] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:3 type:ctov sr:clus1 poo:g1 cdi:711 coders:g.711 sp:64000 sc:no dj:0 mj:40


[18:51:00] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5

0   DATA  *                 CtiSLink  *                    u*
    NO          ANY   NO    Dft  NO   *                    *
                                      *                    *
                                      'SgiAllowed'         *
1   DATA  CtiSLink          G2        *                    u*
2   CtoV  *                 G1        'Nodo'               n'CDI.S2'
3   CtoV  Clus1             G1        711                  *
    NO          ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
    64000 NO    0     40    Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
                                      *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys  NO   Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys
4   VtoC  G3                Clus2     *                    711
    NO          ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
    64000 NO    0     40    Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
                                      *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys  NO   Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys
5   CtoC  Abilis2           Clus1     3*                   *
    NO          ANY   NO    Dft  NO   *                    *
    64000 NO    *     *     Sys  Sys  *                    *
    *     *     0     40    NO   Sys  *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys
6   CtoC  Abilis2           Clus1     3*                   *
    NO          ANY   NO    Dft  NO   *                    *
    64000 Sys   *     *     Sys  Sys  *                    *
    *     *     *     *     NO   Sys  *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys
7   CtoV  Clus2             G3        *                    *
    NO          ANY   NO    Dft  NO   *                    *
    64000 NO    0     40    Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys       Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys
8   VtoC  G1                Clus1     3*                   *
    UNLIMITED   ANY   NO    Dft  NO   *                    *
    64000 NO    0     40    Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys       Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys
9   TR    G1                G2        *                    u*
10  TR    G2                G1        *                    *

The routing PR:4 accepts the calls directed to GSM gateway and forward them to internal cluster Clus2, setting as Called Number Output (CDO) the number 711 (it supposes that this is the Post Operator number). The call generated, will be intercepted by routing PR:3 and forwarded to G1 group (ISDN ports of PBX).

Figure 11.2. CTIR from GMS or UMTS gateway

CTIR from GMS or UMTS gateway