12.3. Connecting UMTS-BOX2 to Simbox

The first step to connect UMTS-BOX2 to Simbox is to add and configure the RSIM resource. One RSIM resource can be use by more than one UMTS-BOX/SIMBOX so:

Add the resource and activate it:

[23:34:16] ABILIS_CPX:a res:rsim-1


[23:36:30] ABILIS_CPX:s p rsim-1 act:yes


[23:36:56] ABILIS_CPX:d p rsim-1

RES:RSim-1 - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ----------------------
       LOG:NO        ACT:YES
       mxps:512      sesnum:64     sess-buf:3     udp-locport:60000  TOS:0-N
       RP1-DLY:100   RP2-DLY:200   ACK-TOUT:2000  MAX-RETRY:2
       - Server ---------------------------------------------------------------
       - Client ---------------------------------------------------------------
       SRCADD:R-ID (

Remember to save the configuration and that on a working Abilis, a system restart is required. Below there's a short description of the most important parameters:

[23:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d p rsim ?

RSim resource parameter(s):

DESCR:     Resource description [Max. 80 aphanumeric extended characters]
LOG:       State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E]
           (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm;
            T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual)
ACT:       Operation activation [NO, YES]
mxps:      Maximal size of packets exchanged with upper driver (UMTS or SIMBOX)
sesnum:    Number of sessions [1..250]
sess-buf:  Number of buffers in each channel receiver [1..10]
udp-locport: Local UDP port [1..65535]
TOS:       Type Of Service octet or Differentiated Services Field (DS):
           -' p-t', i.e. PRECEDENCE and TOS values, where 'p' can be [0..7]
            and 't' can be [N=None, D=Min. Delay, T=Max. Throughput, R=Max.
            Reliability, C=Min. Monetary Cost]
           - 'bbbbbb', i.e. DS value bit by bit, where 'b' can be [0, 1]
RP1-DLY:   Time to wait between the first transmission and the first repetition
           of a packet [NO, 50..1000 msec.]
RP2-DLY:   Time to wait between the first and second repetition of a packet
           [NO, 50..1000 msec.]
ACK-TOUT:  Maximal time to wait for ACK after transmission of a packet
           [1000..5000 msec.]
MAX-RETRY: Maximal number of consecutive retries when ACK-TOUT expires [0..5]
POLLTIME:  Inactivity interval after which a POLL packet is sent [15..300 sec.]
---------- - Server -----------------------------------------------------------
IP-FILTER: IP addresses filter for incoming sessions [*, 1-126.x.x.x,
 , 128-223.x.x.x, 'list']
---------- - Client -----------------------------------------------------------
SRCADD:    Source IP address used in outgoing requests [R-ID, OUT-IP,
           1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]

Type on the CP the following commands to add the Simbox device and to activate it:

[21:37:08] ABILIS_CPX:a dev:simbox-1


[21:37:19] ABILIS_CPX:d dev

------------------ Active USB Devices and Physical Resources: -----------------
Device(s)   Run Con Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)    USBPORTID
SIMBOX-1    Yes No  SimBox-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2

[21:39:13] ABILIS_CPX:s p simbox-1 act:yes

Remember to save the configuration and that on a working Abilis, a system restart is required

Use the below command to view the configuration of the resource.

[18:37:07] ABILIS_CPX:d p simbox-1

RES:SimBox-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:
       LOG:NO        ACT:YES       mxps:512

Now the parameter RSIM-RES must be configured to use the rsim resource activated above.

[23:46:32] ABILIS_CPX:s p simbox rsim-res:rsim-1


[23:46:48] ABILIS_CPX:d p simbox-1

RES:SimBox-1 - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) --------------------
       LOG:NO        ACT:NO        mxps:512

Normally there's no need to change the default remaining parameters, at most a password can be set to protect access. Type s p simbox-1 rsim-pwd:testpwd to set the word testpwd as password.

The same password must be used in all UMTS-BOX2 that need to connect to this Simbox (the parameter RSIM-PWD). Remeber to save the configuration and to initialize the resource using init res:simbox-1

Assuming that:

type the command s p ctip:201 rsim-simbox-id:1 to associate the UMTS-BOX2 to Simbox. Refer to UMTS-BOX2 remotization to learn more about UMTS-BOX2 configuration. Remeber to save the configuration and to initialize the CTISYS resource using init res:ctisys.