46.6. CTI Router

The CTI Router is a smart telephone exchange. As a simplified description we may say that CTI Router processes an incoming call in following steps: it receives the call request, it finds an appropriate routing, it performs the outgoing call.

To manage the CTI Router the following commands are used:

The d ctir ? command shows all available parameters.

The following table explanes the meaning of those special values.

Table 46.2. Special characters and values available in CTI routing table

*can be used to replace a sequence of digits or a part of it (at the beginning or the end of a sequence)CDI:*, CDI:2345*, CDI:*456
?in a sequence of numbers it can be used to mean “any digitCDI:4??, CDI:???234, CDI:34??67, CDI:123?
#means “NONECGO:#
##forces disallowCGO:##
#!forces allowCGO:#!
CtiIaxIAX connectionPOO:CtiIax
CtiSipSIP connectionPOO:CtiSip
CtiDisaDISA connectionPOO:CtiDisa
CtiSLinkDATA connectionPOO:CtiSLink
'list'specification of an element list, type IN (list of ISDN numbers) or RU (Rule), or MR (Master Rule)CDI:'node', CDI:'ToAbilis2'
'macro'macro functionsCDO:'CDI.S2'
<AUTO-I> , <AUTO-O>special value of DS field <Only for TYPE:VtoC/CtoC/ItoC/StoC/DtoC>DS:<AUTO-I> , DS:<AUTO-O>


The characters * and ? can be combined, example: “*2??35?” or “15??74*”.

46.6.1. Display CTI Routing Table (D CTIR)

It shows the CTI routings table in a short format. If priority is omitted, the command shows all routings.

[12:06:58] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   DATA  *                 CtiSLink  *                    *
1   DATA  CtiSLink          G2        *                    *
2   VtoC  G1                Abilis2   'ToAbilis2'            *
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *

Below the meaning of the most important parameters:

  • TYPE: Type of the connection [TR, DATA, VtoC, VtoI, VtoS, VtoD, VtoA, CtoV, CtoC, CtoI, CtoS, CtoD, CtoA, ItoV, ItoC, ItoI, ItoS, ItoD, ItoA, StoV, StoC, StoI, StoS, StoD, StoA, DtoV, DtoC, DtoI, DtoS, DtoD, DtoA, AtoA, *toV, *toC, *toI, *toS, *toD, *toA]

  • POI: Input CTI port/group

  • POO: Output CTI port/group

  • CDI: Called Input Number

  • CDO: Called Output Number

  • CGI: Calling Input Number

  • CGO: Calling Output Number


    The values of parameters CDI, CDO, CGI, CGO, can be optionally preceeded by TON (Type Of Number). TON can have the following values:

    iInternational number
    nNational number
    o(Operator network) Network specific number
    sSubscriber number
    c(Coded) Abbreviated number
    hAlphanumeric (GSM/UMTS only)
  • NEXT: allows searching for an alternative routing in the CTI routings table, when the primary routing fails. The admitted values are the following:

    • N (or No): in the event of failure of the routing, no procedure for seeking an alternative routing is put into effect.

    • L (or Limited): next routing is evaluated only for internal causes, i.e. those with location=0xFF (i.e. network out of service, all channels engaged, etc…);

    • U (or Unlimited): next routing is evaluated for every cause except: 0x91 (user busy) or 0x93 (no user responding, user alerted);

    • T (or Transfer): next routing is always evaluated.

    • BB (or ButBusy): next routing is evaluated for any reason except BUSY.

  • DS: Destination Cluster identifier [0..9, A..Z, a..z, _, :].

    Besides, two special values of DS (Destination Cluster) are available on VtoC, ItoC, DtoC, StoC and CtoC routings, to simplify the structure of the CTIR:

    • <AUTO-I> : by specifying this value in DS, the routing will be matched according to the standard rules. The destination cluster will be chosen by comparing the field CDI with the NUMs set in each cluster. When the match is found, the correspondent cluster will be the real destination of the call.

    • <AUTO-O> : by specifying this value in DS, the routing will be matched according to the standard rules. The destination cluster will be chosen by comparing the field CDO with the NUMs set in each cluster. When the match is found, the correspondent cluster will be the real destination of the call.

    Lists can be used to simplify the structure of the CTI Routings: an unique instruction can route all the calls of the Clusters, by verifying the configured called number. See the example in the CTI Routing section for further details.

  • SR: Source Cluster identifier [0..9, A..Z, a..z, _, :] or "#", or "*", or a list name 'list'. <Only for TYPE:CtoVCISDA/*toVCISDA>

  • T301(Alerting time-out): defines the Alerting time-out, which is the duration of the call alerting state. When the time-out expires, administrator may choose to end the call or carry out a search for an alternative routing by configuring the NEXT parameter. [Dft (default): this time-out corresponds to the time-out defined by the Provider of the ISDN line or by the devices (i.e. PABX) connected to the Abilis].

  • LCS: Enable/disable Last Calling number Service [NO, YES] <Only for POO: not equal to CtiSlink/CtiDisa/CtiVm>

  • LCST: Last Calling number Service records timeout [Sys, NONE, 1..999 hour] <Only for POO: not equal to CtiSlink/CtiDisa/CtiVm>

  • RGI: Input redirecting address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z, j] attributes, or [##, $].

  • RGO: Output redirecting address [0..9, *, #, 'macro'], optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes. (E.g.: 123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi', ''listname'', ''listname.cd'', ''listname.cg'.s2', ''listname'.s5', 12''listname''34)

  • TI1..TI5 (Time band of validity of the routing): these parameters allow the user to specify up to 5 time bands for which the CTI routing can be used.

    The time bands must be indicated in the following form:



    • day can be:

      • a single day of the week [MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU]

      • a set of days of the week (E.g.: MO+TH or TU+TH+SU)

      • a range of days of the week (E.g.: MO-WE or TH-SU)

      • a date in the format "dd/mm/yy", where

        • 'dd' can be [*, 1..31]

        • 'mm' can be [*, 1..12]

        • 'yy' can be [*, 0..99]

          (e.g. 23/12/13 or 31/12/* or 1/*/* or */8/* or 1/04/*

      • two dates separated by '-', i.e. "d1/m1/y1-d2/m2/y2", where

        • 'd1' and 'd2' can be [*, 1..31]

        • 'm1' and 'm2' can be [*, 1..12]

        • 'y1' and 'y2' can be [*, 0..99]

          (e.g. 23/12/13-07/01/14 or 23/12/*-07/01/* or 01/*/*-5/*/*)

      • "ALL"

    • hh1:mm1: is the indication of the beginning of the hourly interval of the validity of the routing

    • hh2:mm2: is the indication of the end of the hourly interval of the validity of the routing

    Default values are TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59 and TI2...TI5:#: routing is valid on all days of the week (ALL) throughout the day (from 00.00 to 23.59). The value # on other TI means that the time intervals are disabled.

By specifying a priority value, the command shows the routing identified by specified priority.

[12:07:00] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir pr:2

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
2   VtoC  G1                Abilis2   'ToAbilis2'          *
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *

The routings are scanned in sequence starting from the lowest priority. When a call arrives, all its parameters are compared with the rules of the table. The one which satisfies all the parameters will be matched; otherwise, the CTI Router will go on with the scan.

The command d ctire shows an extended view of the CTI routings,

[12:07:19] ABILIS_CPX:d ctire pr:2

   ACT:YES            EDT:NO
   TYPE:VtoC          POI:G1                       DS:Abilis2  EEC:NO
   NEXT:UNLIMITED     CDI:'ToAbilis2'              CDO:*
   LAST:ANY           CGI:*                        CGO:*
   T301:Dft           SDI:*                        SDO:*
   UDT:NO             SGI:*                        SGO:*
   LCS:NO   LCST:Sys  RGI:*                        RGO:*
   IG:Sys       OG:Sys      SG:Sys      DL:Sys       DH:Sys
   SP:6400      SC:Sys      DJ:Sys      MJ:Sys                  ECM:Sys
   TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#

Meaning of the routing: if a VtoC call comes from CTI group G1 (POI:G1), the called number belongs to the list ToAbilis2 (CDI:'ToAbilis2'), routes it to the cluster Abilis2. The parameter NEXT:Unlimited routes the call to the next routing if this one fails.

Viewing CTIR rules in a reduced format can be done using:

[11:19:20] ABILIS_CPX:d ctirr pr:1

Last change: 24/04/2015 11:01:00 CET

PR |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
1   StoV  CtiSip            PBX       5??                  *
    NO          ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
    64000 Sys   Sys   Sys   Sys  Sys  *                    *
                            NO   Sys  *                    *
                                      *                    *
    Sys   AUTO  AUTO  Sys   Sys  NO   Sys  Sys  Sys        Sys  Sys

Meaning of the routing: if Stov call comes from ctisip resource and the called number is made by three digits, starting with 5, the call is routed toward the special group PBX. The parameter SP is set to 64000 and the parameter CODERS is set to G.711, so only sip call using this codec will be accepted. Display Cti Routing Table using filters

Using filters may help to search the desidered rule/s.

[15:52:50] ABILIS_CPX:_d ctire ?

D CTIR[E|R]                              Display all CTI Routings
D CTIR[E|R] filter:val [filter:val]      Display any CTI Routing matching the
                                         specified filter(s)

Allowed filters:

PR:        CTI routing priority [0..255]                             <Optional>
TYPE:      Type of the connection [TR, DATA, VtoC, VtoI, VtoS, VtoD,
           VtoA, CtoV, CtoC, CtoI, CtoS, CtoD, CtoA, ItoV, ItoC, ItoI,
           ItoS, ItoD, ItoA, StoV, StoC, StoI, StoS, StoD, StoA, DtoV,
           DtoC, DtoI, DtoS, DtoD, DtoA, AtoA, *toV, *toC, *toI, *toS,
           *toD, *toA]                                               <Optional>
POI:       Input CTI port/group [#, *, 1..600, G1..G32, G*, PBX,
           CtiSLink, CtiIax, CtiSip, CtiDisa, CtiVo]                 <Optional>
SR:        Source Cluster identifier [0..9, A..Z, a..z, _, :] or "#",
           or a string preceded and/or followed by '*' (E.g.:"*mystr"
           or "mystr*" or "*mystr*") or "*").                        <Optional>
POO:       Output CTI port/group [#, 1..600, G1..G32, PBX, CtiSLink,
           CtiIax, CtiSip, CtiDisa, CtiVo, CtiVm, CtiMix]            <Optional>
DS:        Destination Cluster identifier [0..9, A..Z, a..z, _, :]
           or "#" or "<AUTO-I>" or "<AUTO-O>" or a string preceded
           and/or followed by '*' (E.g.:"*mystr" or "mystr*" or
           "*mystr*") or "*".                                        <Optional>

CTI routing parameter(s):

DESCR:     Entry description. From 0 up to 70 Alphanumeric extended
           characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed.
           Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation
           marks (E.g. "str1 str2").
           In standard format it is displayed only when not empty.
           In reduced format it is not displayed.
ACT:       Active/usable record flag [NO, YES]
           In standard/reduced format it is displayed only when equal to NO.
EDT:       Editable by HTTP users record flag [NO, YES]
           In standard/reduced format it is displayed only when equal to YES.
TYPE:      Type of the connection [TR, DATA, VtoC, VtoI, VtoS, VtoD, VtoA,
           CtoV, CtoC, CtoI, CtoS, CtoD, CtoA, ItoV, ItoC, ItoI, ItoS, ItoD,
           ItoA, StoV, StoC, StoI, StoS, StoD, StoA, DtoV, DtoC, DtoI, DtoS,
           DtoD, DtoA, AtoA, *toV, *toC, *toI, *toS, *toD, *toA]
POI:       Input CTI port/group [#, *, 1..600, G1..G32, G*, PBX, CtiSLink,
           CtiIax, CtiSip, CtiDisa, CtiVo]
                 <Only for TYPE:TR/DATA/VtoCISDA/ItoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/
SR:        Source Cluster identifier [0..9, A..Z, a..z, _, :] or "#", or "*",
           or a list name 'list'.           <Only for TYPE:CtoVCISDA/*toVCISDA>
POO:       Output CTI port/group [#, 1..600, G1..G32, PBX, CtiSLink, CtiIax,
           CtiSip, CtiDisa, CtiVo, CtiVm, CtiMix]
DS:        Destination Cluster identifier [0..9, A..Z, a..z, _, :]
           or "#" or "<AUTO-I>" or "<AUTO-O>".    <Only for TYPE:VCISDtoC/*toC>
NEXT:      Alternative routing selection [N (or NO), U (or UNLIMITED),
           L (or LIMITED), T (or TRANSFERT), BB (or BUTBUSY)] or the name
           of ICAUSE/RU/MR list between single quotes (E.g.: T or BUTBUSY
           or 'my_causes').
LAST:      Alternative routing, last failure reason for conditional match
           [ANY, BUSY, NOANS, OTHER] or the name of ICAUSE/RU/MR list between
           single quotes (E.g.: NOANS or 'my_causes').
EEC:       Extended echo canceller activation [NO, IN, OUT, BOTH]
CDI:       Input called address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'], optionally preceded by
           TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes,
           or [##, $].
           (E.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, ##, $, 'listname', 123'listname')
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP SPECIAL VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CDO:       Output called address [0..9, *, #, 'macro'], optionally preceded by
           TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           (E.g.: 123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi', ''listname'',
                  ''listname.cd'', ''listname.cg'.s2', ''listname'.s5')
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CGI:       Input calling address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'], optionally preceded
           by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or
           PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z, j] attributes, or [##, $].
           (E.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, ##, $, 'listname', 123'listname')
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CGO:       Output calling address [0..9, *, #, 'macro'], optionally preceded
           by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or
           PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes.
           (E.g.: 123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi', ''listname'',
                  ''listname.cd'', ''listname.cg'.s2', ''listname'.s5', 
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
SDI:       Input called sub-address [AlphaNumExt, *, ?, #, ##, $, 'list'].
           (E.g.: ho11, me1*, ho??12?, ho?12?*, *, #, 'listname', AA'listname')
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
SDO:       Output called sub-address [AlphaNumExt, *, #, 'macro'].
           (E.g.: home123, *, #, home123'sgi', 'sgi'home123'cdi.s5', 'sdi'
                  ''listname.cd'', ''listname.cg'.s2', ''listname'.s5', 
                  AAA''listname.cd'', AAA'sdi'BBB''listname'.s5')
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
SGI:       Input calling sub-address [AlphaNumExt, *, ?, #, ##, $, 'list'].
           (E.g.: ho11, me1*, ho??12?, ho?12?*, *, #, 'listname', AA'listname')
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
SGO:       Output calling sub-address [AlphaNumExt, *, #, 'macro'].
           (E.g.: home123, *, #, home123'sgi', 'sgi'home123'cdi.s5', 'sdi'
                  ''listname.cd'', ''listname.cg'.s2', ''listname'.s5', 
                  AAA''listname.cd'', AAA'sgi'BBB''listname'.s5')
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
RGI:       Input redirecting address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'], optionally
           preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p]
           and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z, j] attributes,
           or [##, $].
           (E.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, ##, $, 'listname', 123'listname')
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
RGO:       Output redirecting address [0..9, *, #, 'macro'], optionally
           preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p]
           and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes.
           (E.g.: 123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi', ''listname'',
                  ''listname.cd'', ''listname.cg'.s2', ''listname'.s5', 
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
BCO:       Bearer capability output [*, Speech, UDI, RDI, 3.1Khz, UDI-TA,
T301:      Alerting time-out [Dft, 5..180 sec.]
UDT:       Unconditional disconnect timer [NO, 1..9999 sec.]
LCS:       Enable/disable Last Calling number Service [NO, YES]
                            <Only for POO: not equal to CtiSlink/CtiDisa/CtiVm>
LCST:      Last Calling number Service records timeout [Sys, NONE, 1..999 hour]
                            <Only for POO: not equal to CtiSlink/CtiDisa/CtiVm>
IG:        Input gain [Sys, MUTE, -31..+31 dB]
                                     <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CISDtoV/*toVCISDA>
OG:        Output gain [Sys, MUTE, -31..+31 dB]
                                     <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CISDtoV/*toVCISDA>
SG:        Attenuation of DTMF or Tone signals respect to their configured
           values [Sys, -31..0 dB]
                                     <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CISDtoV/*toVCISDA>
DL:        Output volume of lower DTMF tone [Sys, MUTE, -31..+3 dBm]
                                     <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CISDtoV/*toVCISDA>
DH:        Output volume of higher DTMF tone [Sys, MUTE, -31..+3 dBm]
                                     <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CISDtoV/*toVCISDA>
FMRLY:     Fax/Data relay [NO, YES, Sys]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
FAXSP:     Fax maximum speed [AUTO or 0, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000,
           14400 bps]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
MODSP:     Modem maximum speed [AUTO or 0, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000,
           14400 bps]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
FMLVL:     Output volume of Fax/Data signal [Sys, -18..-3 dBm]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
FMDJ:      Fax/Data default jitter buffer size [Sys, 0..1000 ms]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
FMMJ:      Fax/Data maximum jitter buffer size [Sys, 0..1000 ms]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
ECM:       Enable/disable ECM (Error Correcting Mode) for fax [NO, YES, Sys]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
SP:        Voice compression bit rate [5300, 6000, 6300, 6400, 7200, 8000,
           8800, 9600, 11200, 13200, 13340, 15200, 16000, 18400, 24000,24800,
           32000, 40000, 64000 bps]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
SC:        Silence compression [NO, YES, Sys]
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
DJ:        Default jitter buffer size.
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
           - For TYPE:VtoCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA: [Sys, 0..1000 ms]
           - For TYPE:CtoVCISDA/*toVCISDA: [*, Sys, 0..1000 ms]
           It must be minor or equal to MJ:.
MJ:        Maximum jitter buffer size.
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
           - For TYPE:VtoCISD/ItoVCISD/StoVCISD/DtoVCIDS: [Sys, 0..1000 msec]
           - For TYPE:CtoVCISD/*toVCISDA: [*, Sys, 0..1000 ms]
           It must be major or equal to DJ:.
CODERS:    Allowed coders.
               <Only for TYPE:VtoCISDA/CtoVCISDA/ItoVCISDA/StoVCISDA/DtoVCISDA/
           - For TYPE:CtoCISDA/ItoCISDA/DtoCISDA/*toCISDA: [* or Sys or NONE or
             a list of one or more coder values (see below)].
           - For TYPE:VtoCISDA/CISDtoV/*toV: [Sys or NONE or a list of one or
             more coder values (see below)]
           The available coders are [Transp, G.711, G.726, G.727, GSM6.10,
           Spirit, G.723.1, G.729A, ILBC, SPEEX, G.711A, G.711u]. Values can be
           joined using "," operator. The position in the list defines the
           preference order. The right-most value is the one with the lowest
SPOUT:     Maximum preferred/allowed bit rate for the audio coder on output
           side of direct transcoding [*, 5300, 6000, 6300, 6400, 7200, 8000,
           8800, 9600, 11200, 13200, 13340, 15200, 16000, 18400, 24000,
           24800, 32000, 40000, 64000 bps]
                   <Only for TYPE:CtoCISDA/ItoCISDA/StoCISDA/DtoCISDA/*toCISDA>
SCOUT:     Silence compression output [NO, YES, Sys, *]
                   <Only for TYPE:CtoCISDA/ItoCISDA/StoCISDA/DtoCISDA/*toCISDA>
DJOUT:     Default jitter buffer size output [*, Sys, 0..1000 ms]
           It must be minor or equal to MJOUT:.
                   <Only for TYPE:CtoCISDA/ItoCISDA/StoCISDA/DtoCISDA/*toCISDA>
MJOUT:     Maximum jitter buffer size output [*, Sys, 0..1000 ms]
           It must be major or equal to DJOUT:.
                   <Only for TYPE:CtoCISDA/ItoCISDA/StoCISDA/DtoCISDA/*toCISDA>
CODERSOUT: Preferred list of coders for THIS routing offered to called side 
           [* or Sys or NONE or *,Sys or a list of one or more coder values
           (see below) or *,list]
           The available coders are [Transp, G.711, G.726, G.727, GSM6.10,
           Spirit, G.723.1, G.729A, ILBC, SPEEX, G.711A, G.711u]. Values can be
           joined using "," operator. The position in the list defines the
           preference order. The right-most value is the one with the lowest
                   <Only for TYPE:CtoCISDA/ItoCISDA/StoCISDA/DtoCISDA/*toCISDA>
TI1:..TI5: Time interval in the format "day,hh:mm-hh:mm", where 'day' can be:
           - a single day of the week [MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU] or
           - a set of days of the week (E.g.: MO+TH or TU+TH+SU) or
           - a range of days of the week (E.g.: MO-WE or TH-SU) or
           - a date in the format "dd/mm/yy", where
             - 'dd' can be [*, 1..31]
             - 'mm' can be [*, 1..12]
             - 'yy' can be [*, 0..99]
             (e.g. 23/12/13 or 31/12/* or 1/*/* or */8/* or 1/04/*) or
           - two dates separated by '-', i.e. "d1/m1/y1-d2/m2/y2", where
             - 'd1' and 'd2' can be [*, 1..31]
             - 'm1' and 'm2' can be [*, 1..12]
             - 'y1' and 'y2' can be [*, 0..99]
             (e.g. 23/12/13-07/01/14 or 23/12/*-07/01/* or 01/*/*-5/*/*) or
           - "ALL".
           Use "#" to disable the time interval (i.e. 'no match').

The below command filters all rules whose type is CTOV:

[15:03:40] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir type:ctov

Last change: 24/04/2015 07:44:04 CET

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                       |BCO      |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
18  CtoV  *                 G3        'Tech'               *                   
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   12   *                    *                   
    8000  NO    Sys   Sys   Sys  Sys  *                    *                   
21  CtoV  *                 G4        'Operators'          *                   
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   10   *                    *                   
    6400  Sys   Sys   Sys   Sys  Sys  *                    *                   
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RGI and RGO parameters

This two parameters has been introduced to insert the right value in the CG field for transferred calls and for centrals which doesn't comply with ISDN standard.

Assuming to have a user who calls a number on which there's a call transfer and supposing that:

  • the user's phone number is 07779660

  • the called number is 08889661

  • the call is forwarded toward number 01111

the calling number received from 01111 is the user's phone number 08889661. The number 07779660 is stored in a field called RG, according to ISDN standard.

When the transferred call reaches centrals not complying to ISDN standard, a trick can be used: Abilis can store the number of the initial caller (07779660) in the CG field, while the number which trasfers calls is stored in the RG field.

A call originated by a call transfer may be identified because RG field is not empty, while a normal call has RG field empty. This is used to create special routings which are effective only for call transfers.

Use the following values to intercept normal calls:

RGI:##Missing information element
RGI:#Missing or Empty information element

Set the RGI parameter to a specific value to intercept only calls originated by call transfers.

Setting RGI:*, the rule intercepts every kind of call (tranferred or not). The following table shows the range of RGI values:

[14:43:43] ABILIS_CPX:help isdn values

Meaning of special values used in ISDN CDI/CGI/SGI/SDI/RGI fields:
 Symbol    | Meaning
 *         | Don't care.
 #         | Missing or Empty information element
 ##        | Missing information element
 $         | Empty or Non-empty information element
 ?*        | Non-empty information element

Meaning of special values used in ISDN CDO/CGO/SGO/SDO/RGO fields:
 Symbol    | Meaning
 *         | Pass correspondent input field untouched.
 #         | Set an empty information element. An empty information element in
           | most cases is removed.

The following are the log and cti connection shown during a normal call from 901 to 902. Please note that there RGO field is empty.

[09:58:51] ABILIS_CPX:_start ldme

Current Local Time: Friday 24/04/2015 12:31:08 (UTC+2.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- -------------- ---------------------------------
240415 095903 CtiSip        12 E-CallRx       CH:18 BC:Speech CD:ue902
                                              CG:uxq901 USER:test
240415 095903 CtiSip        12 E-Route Match  PR:6
240415 095903 CtiSip        12 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:StoS CD:ue902
240415 095903 CtiSip        12 E-NumComplete  CDI:ue902 CDO:ue902
240415 095903 CtiSip        12 E-AlertRx      CH:19 USER:test2
240415 095903 CtiSip        12 E-AlertTx      CH:18


[09:59:08] ABILIS_CPX:_d ctice

ID:12   TYPE:StoS  ST:ALERT   PR:6            STI:07/00  STO:04/00  EEC:NO
        START:24/04/2015 09:59:03        DURATION:0          REMAINING:-
      POI:Sip      GI:#    SR:#        POO:Sip      GO:#    DS:#
      CDI:ue902                        CDO:ue902
      CGI:uxq901                       CGO:uxq901
      SDI:                             SDO:
      SGI:                             SGO:
      RGI:                             RGO:
      CODER:Unk      SP:0      FMRLY:NO     FAXSP:0      DJ:0       FMDJ:0
                     BW:0      SC:NO        MODSP:0      MJ:0       FMMJ:0

The following are logs and cti connection shown during a trasferred call. User test (phone number 901) calls user:test2 (phone number 902). User test2 trasfers calls to a cellphone (phone number 333xxxxxx). Please note that RGO field is not empty, because there's a transferred call.

[12:28:00] ABILIS_CPX:_start ldme

Current Local Time: Thursday 24/04/2015 12:28:22 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- -------------- ---------------------------------
240415 122825 CtiSip        24 E-CallRx       CH:34 BC:Speech CD:ue902
                                              CG:uxq901 USER:test
240415 122825 CtiSip        24 E-Route Match  PR:6
240415 122825 CtiSip        24 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:StoS CD:ue902
240415 122825 CtiSip         0 E-CallForward  RULE:ALWAYS USER:test2
240415 122825 CtiSip        24 E-NumComplete  CDI:ue902 CDO:ue902
240415 122825 CtiSip        25 E-CallRx       CH:36 BC:Speech CD:ux8333xxxxxx
                                              CG:uxq901 RG:uxq902 USER:test2
240415 122825 CtiSip        25 E-Route Match  PR:5
240415 122825 CtiSip        25 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:StoS 
                                              CD:ux333xxxxxx CG:uxq901
                                              RG:uxq902 SCD:08xxxxxx
240415 122825 CtiSip        25 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux83299783725
240415 122825 CtiSip        26 E-CallTransfer SES/ID-IN:25 SES/ID-OUT:24
240415 122831 CtiSip        26 E-ProgressRx   PI:81 88 USER:08351825479
240415 122831 CtiSip        26 E-ProgressTx   PI:81 88


[12:28:35] ABILIS_CPX:_d ctice

ID:26   TYPE:StoS  ST:CREQ    PR:TRS[6/5]     STI:09/00  STO:03/00  EEC:NO
        START:24/04/2015 12:28:25        DURATION:0          REMAINING:-
      POI:Sip      GI:#    SR:#        POO:Sip      GO:#    DS:#
      CDI:ue902                        CDO:ux333xxxxxx
      CGI:uxq901                       CGO:uxq901
      SDI:                             SDO:08xxxxxx
      SGI:                             SGO:
      RGI:                             RGO:uxq902
      CODER:G.711A   SP:64000  FMRLY:NO     FAXSP:0      DJ:100     FMDJ:200
                     BW:66400  SC:YES       MODSP:0      MJ:250     FMMJ:400

The cti routing pr:5 is used to call the cellphone. This rule intercept normal calls and trasferred calls, because RGI:*.

[12:37:26] ABILIS_CPX:_d ctire pr:5

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
Last change: 24/04/2015 12:36:27 CET

   ACT:YES            EDT:NO
   TYPE:StoS          POI:CtiSip                   POO:CtiSip   EEC:NO
   NEXT:NO            CDI:8*                       CDO:'CDI.S2'
   LAST:ANY           CGI:*                        CGO:*
   T301:Dft           SDI:*                        SDO:08xxxxxx
   UDT:NO             SGI:*                        SGO:*
   LCS:NO   LCST:Sys  RGI:*                        RGO:*
   SP:64000     SC:Sys      DJ:Sys      MJ:Sys                  ECM:Sys
   SPOUT:64000  SCOUT:*     DJOUT:*     MJOUT:*
   TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#

Example: administrator can configure Abilis so that users cannot trasfer calls to cellphones. Rule pr:5 must be modified setting RGI:## and rule pr:6 must be created.

[12:40:26] ABILIS_CPX:_s ctir pr:5 rgi:##


[12:40:34] ABILIS_CPX:_d ctire pr:5

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
Last change: 24/04/2015 12:36:27 CET

   ACT:YES            EDT:NO
   TYPE:StoS          POI:CtiSip                   POO:CtiSip   EEC:NO
   NEXT:NO            CDI:8*                       CDO:'CDI.S2'
   LAST:ANY           CGI:*                        CGO:*
   T301:Dft           SDI:*                        SDO:08xxxxxx
   UDT:NO             SGI:*                        SGO:*
   LCS:NO   LCST:Sys  RGI:##                       RGO:*
   SP:64000     SC:Sys      DJ:Sys      MJ:Sys                  ECM:Sys
   SPOUT:64000  SCOUT:*     DJOUT:*     MJOUT:*
   TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#

[12:44:49] ABILIS_CPX:_a ctir pr:6 type:stov poo:none cdi:8* cdo:'cdi.s2' rgi:?* sp:64000 coders:g.711


[12:44:57] ABILIS_CPX:_d ctire pr:6

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Last change: 24/04/2015 12:44:57 CET

   ACT:YES            EDT:NO
   TYPE:StoV          POI:CtiSip                   POO:NONE     EEC:NO
   NEXT:NO            CDI:8*                       CDO:'CDI.S2'
   LAST:ANY           CGI:*                        CGO:*
   T301:Dft           SDI:*                        SDO:*
   UDT:NO             SGI:*                        SGO:*
   LCS:NO   LCST:Sys  RGI:?*                       RGO:*
   IG:Sys       OG:Sys      SG:Sys      DL:Sys       DH:Sys
   SP:64000     SC:Sys      DJ:Sys      MJ:Sys                  ECM:Sys
   TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#

The following is the log of a transferred call to a cellphone: the call fails.

[12:46:17] ABILIS_CPX:_start ldme

Current Local Time: Thursday 24/04/2015 12:46:26 (UTC+1.00)

Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):

Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Event          Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- -------------- ---------------------------------
240415 124629 CtiSip        29 E-CallRx       CH:41 BC:Speech CD:ue902
                                              CG:uxq901 USER:test
240415 124629 CtiSip        29 E-Route Match  PR:7
240415 124629 CtiSip        29 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:StoS CD:ue902
240415 124629 CtiSip         0 E-CallForward  RULE:ALWAYS USER:test2
240415 124629 CtiSip        29 E-NumComplete  CDI:ue902 CDO:ue902
240415 124629 CtiSip        30 E-CallRx       CH:43 BC:Speech CD:ux8333xxxxxx
                                              CG:uxq901 RG:uxq902 USER:test2
240415 124629 CtiSip        30 E-Route Match  PR:6
240415 124629 CtiSip        30 E-InternalFail PR:6   CAUSE:FF A8 (CPX, No port
                                              available (NO_PORT))
240415 124629 CtiSip        30 E-Route Fail   PR:6   CAUSE:81 83 (LPN, No
                                              route to destination)
240415 124629 CtiSip        30 E-CallFailTx   CH:43 CAUSE:81 83 (LPN, No route
                                              to destination)
240415 124629 CtiSip        29 E-DiscTx       CH:41 CAUSE:81 90 (LPN, Normal
                                              call clearing) USER:test

46.6.2. Add CTI Routing Table (A CTIR)

It adds a new CTI routing with PR:xx priority setting the indicated parameters to the specified values. Unspecified parameters are set to default values. The CTI routings table can store up to 256 routing definitions, so the priority value must be in the interval [0 - 255].

If a routing with “PR:xx” is already present in the table, it will get “PR:xx+1” priority.

Example: how to configure a Transparent (TR) routing which routes every call (CDI:*) coming from the CTI Ports Group G1 (connected to the PABX) to CTI Ports Group G2 (connected to the ISDN lines), without any alternative routings.

[15:30:01] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:3 type:tr poi:g1 poo:g2 cdi:*


[15:30:50] ABILIS_CPX:d ctire pr:3

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Last change: 24/04/2015 15:30:50 CET

   ACT:YES            EDT:NO
   TYPE:TR            POI:G1                       POO:G2       EEC:NO
   NEXT:NO            CDI:*                        CDO:*
   LAST:ANY           CGI:*                        CGO:*
   T301:Dft           SDI:*                        SDO:*
   UDT:NO             SGI:*                        SGO:*
   LCS:NO   LCST:Sys  RGI:*                        RGO:*
   TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59                TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#

Changes made on the CTI routings table are not immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir

46.6.3. Clear CTI Routing Table (C CTIR)

It deletes a CTI routing from the routing table. Priority of remaining routings (if higher than the removed one) are decreased because of table continuity. The syntax of the command is c ctir pr:xx.

[12:28:06] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   DATA  *                 CtiSLink  *                    *
1   DATA  CtiSLink          G2        *                    *
2   VtoC  G1                Abilis2   'ToAbilis2'          *
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
3   TR    G1                G2        *                    *

[12:31:19] ABILIS_CPX:c ctir pr:3


[12:31:51] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   DATA  *                 CtiSLink  *                    *
1   DATA  CtiSLink          G2        *                    *
2   VtoC  G1                Abilis2   'ToAbilis2'          *
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *

Changes made on the CTI routings table are not immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir

46.6.4. Set CTI Routing Table (S CTIR)

Sets the parameters of CTI routing identified by “PR:xx” to their new values. The syntax of the command is:

s ctir pr:xxx type:<type> [par:value]


Parameters may change according to the TYPE of the routing selected!

[12:37:09] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   DATA  *                 CtiSLink  *                    *
1   DATA  CtiSLink          G2        *                    *
2   VtoC  G1                Abilis2   'ToAbilis2'          *
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
3   TR    G1                G2        *                    *

[12:37:32] ABILIS_CPX:s ctir pr:3 poo:g3 cdi:528


[12:37:36] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   DATA  *                 CtiSLink  *                    *
1   DATA  CtiSLink          G2        *                    *
2   VtoC  G1                Abilis2   'ToAbilis2'          *
    UNLIMITED   ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
3   TR    G1                G3        528                  *

Changes made on the CTI routings table are not immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir

The routing which has been modified routes the calls coming from G1 to the group G3 if the called number is 528.

Other interesting parameters available on CTI Routing tables are T301, TIx, NEXT, and DS:<AUTO-I>/<AUTO-O>.

Example: enable a CTI routing just on Tuesday and Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:30.

[12:37:40] ABILIS_CPX:s ctir pr:3 ti1:tu-we,18:00-20:30


[15:35:00] ABILIS_CPX:d ctire pr:3

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Last change: 24/04/2015 15:35:00 CET

   ACT:YES            EDT:NO
   TYPE:TR            POI:G1                       POO:G3       EEC:NO
   NEXT:NO            CDI:528                      CDO:*
   LAST:ANY           CGI:*                        CGO:*
   T301:Dft           SDI:*                        SDO:*
   UDT:NO             SGI:*                        SGO:*
   LCS:NO   LCST:Sys  RGI:*                        RGO:*
   TI1:TU-WE,18:00-20:30              TI2:#  TI3:#  TI4:#  TI5:#

Example: how to combine the use of T301 and NEXT. Calls must be forwarded to the next routing if there is no answer after 15 seconds .

[13:50:10] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

PR |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
   |NEXT       |LAST |TON  |T301|UDT |CGI                 |CGO
   |SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |SPOUT|SCOUT|DJOUT|MJOUT|         |SGI                 |SGO
   |FMRLY|FAXSP|MODSP|FMLVL|ECM      |IG  |OG  |SG        |DL  |DH
   |TI1 .. TI5
0   DATA  *                 CtiSLink  *                    *
1   DATA  CtiSLink          G2        *                    *
2   VtoC  G1                Abilis2   'ToAbilis2'          *
    UNLIMITED   ANY   Sys   Dft  NO   *                    *
3   TR    G1                G2        *                    *
4   TR    G2                G1        *                    *

[13:50:12] ABILIS_CPX:s ctir pr:4 t301:15 next:t


[13:50:43] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:5 type:vtoc poi:g2 ds:abilis2 cdi:*


[13:50:54] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
3   TR    G1                G2        00                   *
4   TR    G2                G1        00                   *
    TRANSFERT   ANY         NO   15   *                    *
5   VtoC  G2                Abilis2   *                    *

Changes made on the CTI routings table are not immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir

When routing PR:4 is matched, the call will alert for 15 seconds on G1 ports group and if no answer occurs, it will be transferred to the next routing and compressed to “Abilis2”.

46.6.5. Move CTI Routing Table (M CTIR)

Moves the CTI routing priority from the value “PR:xx” to the new value “PR:yy”. Other definitions present in the table are re-sorted because of table continuity.

[13:50:54] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
3   TR    G1                G2        00                   *
4   TR    G2                G1        00                   *
    TRANSFERT   ANY         NO   15   *                    *
5   VtoC  G2                Abilis2   *                    *

[15:38:34] ABILIS_CPX:m ctir pr:3 pr:5


[15:38:40] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ---------------------------------
Last change: 24/04/2015 15:38:40 CET

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5
3   TR    G2                G1        00                   *
    TRANSFERT   ANY         NO   15   *                    *
4   VtoC  G2                Abilis2   *                    *
5   TR    G1                G2        00                   *

Changes made on the CTI routings table are not immediately active. To activate them, execute the initialization command init ctir

46.6.6. Macro functions

A macro-instruction can only contain:

  • decimal digits '0' - '9';

  • names of input caller's address and sub-address fields: 'CGI' and 'SGI';

  • names of input called's address fields and sub-address fields: 'CDI' and 'SDI';

  • the '.' (dot) character, which is used as a separator;

  • the sequences ".3xx", ".Lxx" and ".Rxx".

Table 46.3. Table Lxx, Rxx, 3xx macros

SequenceOperative meaning
yy.SxxIt takes the characters of field "yyy" starting from position "xx".
yyy.LxxIt takes up to "xx" characters of field "yyy", starting from the leftmost.
yyy.RxxIt takes up to "xx" characters of field "yyy", staring from the rightmost.


  • CDO:'SGI': the called address field of the outgoing call will contain the same value as is contained in the field for the called sub-address of the incoming call.

  • CDO:1023'SGI': the called address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "1023" followed by the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call.

  • CDO:1023'SGI.S02': the called address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "1023" followed by the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call, starting from the 2nd character (.S02).

  • CDO:1023'SGI.R02': the called address field of the outgoing call will contain the numerical sequence "1023" followed by at most two characters taken from the content of the called sub-address of the incoming call, starting from the right most (.R02).

Type the following command to display info about macro functions:

[07:32:16] ABILIS_CPX:help isdn macro

ISDN macros permit the manipulation of ISDN numbers and subaddresses in the
call being processed.

Macro must be written between single quotes and can be present only in
output fields CDO/CGO/SDO/SGO (xxO).
A macro may refer a INR list and it's fields, in this case a sort of sub-macro
occurs and a couple of single quotes is required.

In following explanation xx is used to indicate any of CD/CG/SD/SG.

--- Simple macros in CDO/CGO/SDO/SGO (xxO) ------------------------------------
xxO: 'xxI'       Copy xxI in xxO
xxO: 'xxI.Sy'    Copy xxI in xxO starting from left position y
xxO: 'xxI.Ly'    Copy xxI in xxO leftmost y characters
xxO: 'xxI.Ry'    Copy xxI in xxO rightmost y characters

--- Macros with INR list sub-macro in CDO/CGO/SDO/SGO (xxO) -------------------
The INR list fields are: Number, CHK, CD, CG.
When a INR list is used in xxO fields macros it works as follow:
if a match is found between Number and field indicated by CHK (CGI or CDI),
the CD or CG field will be used in the preparation of the xxO field,
as specified by the sub-macro.

CDO: ''listname''         Copy list CD field into CDO
CGO: ''listname''         Copy list CG field into CGO
xxO: ''listname.CD''      Copy list CD field into xxO
xxO: ''listname.CD'.Sy'   Copy list CD field from position y into xxO
xxO: ''listname.CD'.Ly'   Copy list CD field leftmost y characters into xxO
xxO: ''listname.CD'.Ry'   Copy list CD field rightmost y characters into xxO
xxO: ''listname.CG''      Copy list CG field into xxO
xxO: ''listname.CG'.Sy'   Copy list CG field from position y into xxO
xxO: ''listname.CG'.Ly'   Copy list CG field leftmost y characters into xxO
xxO: ''listname.CG'.Ry'   Copy list CG field rightmost y characters into xxO

--- Examples ------------------------------------------------------------------
More macros can be written at the same time, the limit is only the 24
characters available in the xxO fields
Here is an example of possible combinations.
If in some circumstance a combination is not allowed you will get an
appropriate message.
