16.1. UPS activation

Use the following command to add the device.

[12:56:07] ABILIS_CPX:a dev:ups-1


[12:56:22] ABILIS_CPX:d dev

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------

------------------ Active PCI Devices and Physical Resources: -----------------
Device(s)   Run Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)          SlotId  Addr  Irq
ASY-1       Yes Async-1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      -   3F8    4
ETH-1       Yes Eth-1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     18   PCI ( 15)
ETH-2       Yes Eth-2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     72   PCI ( 15)
ETH-3       Yes Eth-3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     73   PCI ( 11)
BSE-1       Yes 31..38, 101..140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     74   PCI ( 12)
CELL32-1    Yes 501..532 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      -   PCI (  -)

------------------ Active USB Devices and Physical Resources: -----------------
Device(s)   Run Con Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)    USBPORTID
UPS-1       No  No  Ups  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NONE

----------------- Inactive PCI Devices and Physical Resources: ----------------
Device(s)   Run Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)          SlotId  Addr  Irq
                     *** NO INACTIVE PCI CARDs PRESENT ***                     

----------------- Inactive USB Devices and Physical Resources: ----------------
Device(s)   Run Con Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)    USBPORTID
                    *** NO INACTIVE USB DEVICEs PRESENT ***     

After adding or setting the device active, you must restart the Abilis to make the device running (use the command warm start to reboot the Abilis).

Use the following command do display resource parameters:

[13:01:26] ABILIS_CPX:d p ups-1

RES:Ups -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:Uninterruptable_Power_Supply_device
       - Sound pattern --------------------------------------------------------
       ON1:1000    OFF1:1000    ON2:1000    OFF2:57000   
       ON3:0       OFF3:0       ON4:0       OFF4:0       

The most important parameters are:


Resource description. From 0 up to 79 Alphanumeric extended characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed. Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "str1 str2")


State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E] (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm; T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual)


Shutdown system if battery is the power source and battery level is low [NO, YES].


Sound generated when system is powered by battery [DEFAULT - The buzzer is managed by UPS hardware autonomously, DISABLED - The buzzer is disabled, CONTINUOUS - The buzzer is continuous, PATTERN - A pattern is used to control the buzz].


Duration of buzzer ON phase (sound is emitted) [0..300000 ms].


Duration of buffer OFF phase (silence) [0..300000 ms].

The following command allows the administrator to change the configuration of the resource:

s p ups parameter:value...


To activate the changes made on the upper case parameters, execute the initialization command init res:ups; while to set act the changes made on the lowercase parameters a save conf and an Abilis restart are required (i.e. With warm start command).