16.2. UPS diagnostics and statistics

16.2.1. UPS diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the UPS resource the following commands are used:

d d ups / d de ups

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the resource (USB-STATE), the uptime (UPTIME), the power source (POWER-SOURCE), the battery condition (BATTERY), the output regulated voltage value (V-OUT), the main power source voltage (V-MAIN), the charger state (CHARGER), the battery charging state (CHARGING) etc.

[13:42:55] ABILIS_CPX:d d ups

RES:Ups -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       USB-STATE:CONNECTED    UPTIME:14 days 06:20:21 (22/07/2016 07:27:03)
       POWER-SOURCE:MAIN                              BATTERY:NOT-PRESENT
       V-OUT:+12.1 V          V-MAIN:+12.0 V          V-BATT:+0.0 V           
       - Battery Charger ------------------------------------------------------
       CHARGER:ENABLED        CHARGING:NO             
       V-CHARGE:+13.9 V       I-CHARGE:+0.0 A         DUTY-CYCLE:50%
       - Manual battery test result -------------------------------------------
       V-NO-LOAD:N/A          V-START:N/A             V-END:N/A    

16.2.2. UPS statistics

To display the statistics of the UPS resource the following commands are used:

d s ups / d se ups

Shows statistics information, such as the number sw/hw shutdown received from the UPS, the number of BATTERY LOW received from the UPS, the number of battery charger disconnection received from the UPS etc.

[13:48:36] ABILIS_CPX:d s ups 

RES:Ups -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 14 days 06:21:21 ago, on 22/07/2016 at 07:27:19 ------------
       SW-SHUTDOWN|           |          0|V-MAIN-ALM |          0|           |
       HW-SHUTDOWN|          0|           |V-OUT-ALM  |          0|           |
       BATT-LOW   |          0|           |           |           |           |
       V-MAIN-FAIL|          0|           |LIVE       |           |    1232374|
       CHARGE-DIS |          0|           |LIVE-EXP   |          0|           |