Part IV. CTI System
Part IV. CTI System
Table of Contents
47. CTI System
47.1. CTI System Overview
47.2. CTI Ports
47.3. CTI Group
47.4. CTI Cluster
47.5. CTI Router Overview
47.6. CTI System Resource
47.7. Redirecting
47.8. LCS - Last Calling number Service
47.9. CPO - Call path optimization
47.10. Diagnostics and statistics
47.11. Examples of CTI configuration
47.12. Supplementary services
47.13. FAX Relay with Abilis
48. OPC - Operator Panel Control
48.1. OPC resource
48.2. OPC configuration
48.3. Web interface
48.4. OPC diagnostics and statistics
49. IAX - Inter-Asterisk eXchange
49.1. CTIIAX resource
49.2. CTIIAX tables
49.3. CTI Routings
49.4. Example of IAX configuration
49.5. Connecting Abilis and Asterisk
49.6. CTIIAX diagnostics and statistics
49.7. Appendix - IAX protocol
50. SIP - Session Initiation Protocol
50.1. CTISIP resource
50.2. CTISIP tables
50.3. CTI Routings
50.4. Connecting Abilis and a SIP phone
50.5. Connecting Abilis and a SIP server
50.6. Busy Lamp Field (BLF)
50.7. CTISIP diagnostics, statistics, logs and debug
50.8. Appendix - SIP protocol overview
51. DISA - Direct Inward System Access
51.1. CTIDISA overview
51.2. CTIDISA resource
51.3. CTIDISA tables
51.4. Example of Post Selection configuration
51.5. Example of Automatic Call Distribution configuration
51.6. Example of Call Back configuration
51.7. Example of Data Call Back configuration
51.8. Message files
51.9. CTIDISA diagnostics and statistics
51.10. DISA administration through web interface
52. CTIAS - CTI Advanced Services
52.1. CTIAS - CTI Advanced Services
52.2. CTIVM - CTI Voice Mail
52.3. CTIMIX - Conference
52.4. CTIVR - Voice Recorder
53. CTISMS - CTI SMS resource
53.1. CTISMS - CTI SMS resource
53.2. CTISMS Routing
53.3. CTISMS diagnostic and statistics
54. CTIVO - Virtual Office
54.1. CTIVO resource
54.2. CTIVO tables
54.3. CTIVO routings
54.4. CTIVO diagnostics and statistics
54.5. Easy configuration guide
55. ACNT - Accounting resource
55.1. ACNT resource
55.2. ACNT diagnostics and statistics
55.3. Appendix