The CTIMIX module enables conferences with any number of participants.
The Abilis supports various way of conference:
Basic conference;
The basic conferences are identified by a "conference id" which is 4 digits long by default (configurable between 1 and 8), the first participant that enters the conference id creates the conference room, the subsequent ones will join the conference, inserting the "conference-id".
Simplified conference;
The simplified conference is called "simplified" because there is an owner of the conference that can easily create the conference and add participants. When the owner leaves the conference the conference is closed. Activation of simplified conference:
From POTS: with one active call and one parked press FLASH (R) + 5. If action succeeds the conference will start, otherwise the two calls will stay as they are. This action can be repeated more times, i.e. once conference has been created the POTS user may make another call and repeat the FLASH (R) + 5.
From PCphone and AbilisPhone: with two calls active/parked
the conference button will be
enabled, just click it. If action succeeds the conference will
start, otherwise the two calls will stay as they are. This action
can be repeated more times, i.e. once conference has been created
the PCphone/AbilisPhone user may make another call and click
conference button again.
![]() | Caution |
SIP, IAX calls have not support now for the "simplified conference". |
Permanent conference.
On the permanent conference the access to this conference is
without access codes, the CTIMIX recognise calling and called number
and automatically joins it to the conference if silence compression is
enabled (SC:YES
The Abilis provides system messages for Basic Conference, that can be changed by administrator, see Section 70.14, “Mixer / conference”.
![]() | Note |
In a simplified and permanent conference the messages aren't played. |
![]() | Important |
The CTIMIX resource requires the SOFT-PBX licence. |
![]() | Tip |
Interesting chapter: Section 82.22, “How to configure a Conference”. |
Add the resource to the Abilis system with the following command.
[09:08:14] ABILIS_CPX:a res:ctimix
The CTIMIX resource may already exist in the system, but may not yet be active. Set it active with the command:
[09:10:00] ABILIS_CPX:s act res:ctimix
![]() | Caution |
You must restart the Abilis to make the resource running (use the command warm start to reboot the Abilis) after adding or setting the CTIMIX active. |
![]() | Tip |
If the CTIMIX resource is activated and the CTIAS resource isn't, Abilis automatically adds the CTIAS resource: [12:11:11] ABILIS_CPX: |
[12:15:48] ABILIS_CPX:s p ctimix act:yes
COMMAND EXECUTED [12:15:56] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctimix
RES:CtiMix -------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR:CTI_Voice_Mixer_service LOG:NO ACT:YES sesnum:3 hw-tc:0 CONN-DELAY:0 REQUEST-DELAY:1 ID-LENGTH:4 WAIT-ID:10 REQUEST-MSG:default REJECT-MSG:default CREATE-MSG:default JOIN-MSG:default ENTER-MSG:default LEAVE-MSG:default MAX-DURATION:60 EXPIRY-MSG:default wdir:C:\APP\MIX\ - Permanent Conference (requires calls with SC:YES) -------------------- CD:# CG:* CD-FOR-MSG:#
![]() | Caution |
Execute the initialization command init res:ctimix to activate the changes made on the upper case parameters; use save conf and warm start commands to set active the changes made on the lowercase parameters. |
Use the command below to display the parameters of the resource; the d p ctimix ? command shows the meaning of parameters.
[14:08:12] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctimix
RES:CtiMix --------------------------------------------------------------------
Run DESCR:CTI_Voice_Mixer_service
LOG:NO ACT:YES sesnum:3 hw-tc:0
REQUEST-MSG:default REJECT-MSG:default
CREATE-MSG:default JOIN-MSG:default
ENTER-MSG:default LEAVE-MSG:default
- Permanent Conference (requires calls with SC:YES) --------------------
CD:# CG:*
Meaning of the most important parameters:
State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E] (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm; T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual).
Runtime CTIMIX activation/deactivation. [NO, YES].
Number of sessions [1..255]. By default, the sesnum is 3, but this configuration offers the conference only between 3 participants, for more participants is needed to increase this parameter.
Number of hardware transcoding sessions [0..255].
Time to keep connection in Alerting prior to go Connect [0..60 sec].
It is the length of pre-REQUEST phase [0..10 sec].
Length of the conference room identifier [1..8].
Waiting interval for user's input [5..30 sec].
File holding the Identifier Request message.
"#" : Do not play any message.
From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "Dft out message").
File holding the Identifier Reject message.
"#" : Do not play any message.
From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "Dft out message").
File holding the Identifier Create message.
"#" : Do not play any message.
From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "Dft out message").
File holding the Identifier Join message.
"#" : Do not play any message.
From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "Dft out message").
File holding the message played into the conference when someone enters the conference.
"#" : Do not play any message.
From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "Dft out message").
File holding the message played into the conference when someone leaves the conference.
"#" : Do not play any message.
From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "Dft out message").
Maximal conference duration [15..300 min].
File holding the message played when the maximal conference duration has been expired.
"#" : Do not play any message.
From 1 up to 20 characters. Names holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "Dft out message").
Directory where message files are located. It cannot be empty. Physical full path in DOS notation, i.e. starting with a drive letter in the range ['A'..'Z'] and ending with the '\' character. Max. 128 characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed. Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "C:\My dir\").
Meaning of the parameters only for permanent Conference (requires calls with SC:YES):
Called number for which permament conference is activated. From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '*'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or "*" or "#" or the name of an IN/RU/MR list between single quotes (e.g. 'listname' or # or ux123* or 555 or *). The '*' is allowed only alone or as the last character. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
Called number for which permament conference is activated with messages. From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '*'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or "*" or "#" or the name of an IN/RU/MR list between single quotes (e.g. 'listname' or # or ux123* or 555 or *). The '*' is allowed only alone or as the last character. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
Calling number for which permament conference is activated. From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '*'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z, j] attributes or "*" or "#" or the name of an IN/RU/MR list between single quotes (e.g. 'listname' or # or ux123* or 555 or *). The '*' is allowed only alone or as the last character. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
The following command allows the administrator to change the configuration of the resource:
s p ctimix
![]() | Caution |
Execute the initialization command init res:ctimix to activate the changes made on the upper case parameters; use save conf and warm start commands to set active the changes made on the lowercase parameters. |
The following command is used to display the diagnostics of the CTIMIX resource:
[13:12:39] ABILIS_CPX:d d ctimix
RES:CtiMix -------------------------------------------------------------------- CTI_Voice_Mixer_service STATE:ACTIVE CUR-ROOMS:2 CUR-CALLS:2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SES: CG CD MixTime LegTime MIX-State Q931-State Q932-State ROOM-ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 49 33 98 98 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE 2222 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 111 3 32 32 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE P-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0 0 IDLE 00-DISCONNECTED IDLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [13:12:43] ABILIS_CPX:d de ctimix
RES:CtiMix -------------------------------------------------------------------- CTI_Voice_Mixer_service STATE:ACTIVE CUR-ROOMS:2 CUR-CALLS:2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SES: CG CD MixTime LegTime MIX-State Q931-State Q932-State ROOM-ID Coder Speed SC DftJ MaxJ CurJ TopJ AvgJ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 49 33 141 141 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE 2222 Spirit 6400 YES 80 250 40 240 99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 111 3 75 75 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE P-1 G.711A 64000 YES 80 250 40 120 55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0 0 IDLE 00-DISCONNECTED IDLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The CTIMIX driver state:
- CTIMIX is not ready to
receive connections.
- CTIMIX fully
Current MIX rooms.
Current MIX calls.
CTIMIX session number.
CTIMIX session current calling number.
CTIMIX session current called number.
MIXING time.
CTIMIX session Q931 state.
- session is
- session received a
call from CTIR and is alerting;
- session is
State of Q932 protocol for this Channel.
MIX room identifier.
Current coder.
Voice compression bit rate.
Silence compression [NO, YES].
Default jitter - configured.
Maximal jitter - configured.
Current jitter.
Top jitter - compensation delay reached.
Average jitter compensation of call.
![]() | Important |
By default, the |
An important parameter is ROOM-ID
, that shows
the conference ID for a basic conference (in this case 2222). If the
conference is permanent the ROOM-ID
format (in this example P-1).
The following command is used to display the statistics of the CTIVM resource:
It shows the statistics of the CTIMIX resource such as the total number of successfully calls (CALL-SUCC), the total number of failed calls (CALL-FAIL), the total duration of conference (CALL-TIME), the number of created conferences (CREATE), etc.
[13:59:31] ABILIS_CPX:d s ctimix
RES:CtiMix -------------------------------------------------------------------- CTI_Voice_Mixer_service --- Cleared 3 days 11:41:26 ago, on 17/11/2015 at 02:09:17 ------------- -----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---|-----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---| CALL-SUCC | 19| |CREATE | 8| | CALL-FAIL | 0| |REJECT | 4| | CALL-TIME | 6419| |JOIN | 1| | SW-TC | 11| |SW-TC-TIME | 6077| | HW-TC | 0| |HW-TC-TIME | 0| | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [13:50:43] ABILIS_CPX:d se ctimix
RES:CtiMix -------------------------------------------------------------------- CTI_Voice_Mixer_service --- Cleared 3 days 11:41:30 ago, on 17/11/2015 at 02:09:17 ------------- -----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---|-----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---| CALL-SUCC | 19| |CREATE | 8| | CALL-FAIL | 0| |REJECT | 4| | CALL-TIME | 6419| |JOIN | 1| | SW-TC | 11| |SW-TC-TIME | 6077| | HW-TC | 0| |HW-TC-TIME | 0| | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** No MIX sessions ***
With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 3 days 11:41:30 ago») these counters show the number of:
CALL-SUCC | Successful incoming/outgoing MIX sessions |
CALL-FAIL | Unsuccessful incoming/outgoing MIX sessions |
CALL-TIME | Number of seconds that incoming/outgoing calls remained in ACTIVE state. |
SW-TC | Software transcoding calls. |
HW-TC | Hardware transcoding calls. |
CREATE | Number of Created rooms. |
REJECT | Number of Rejected calls to MIX. |
JOIN | Number of Join calls to MIX. |
SW-TC-TIME | Software transcoding time. |
HW-TC-TIME | Hardware transcoding time. |
Type the following command to view allowed commands:
[14:20:39] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctimix
RES:CtiMix --------------------------------------------------------------------
BufferLength:64512 Date/Time:16/09/2020 14:23:22 TraceTime:452244548
LSN:0 - This help
LSN:1 - Driver object (bin)
LSN:2 - Driver object (txt)
LSN:3 - Show log
LSN:3 CMD:CLR - Clear log
LSN:4 - Resume suspended mails
Type the following command to view the CTIMIX session log:
[14:23:22] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ctimix lsn:3
RES:CtiMix --------------------------------------------------------------------
BufferLength:64512 Date/Time:16/09/2020 14:26:32 TraceTime:452435129
The calls from participants have to be routed to CTIMIX by means of CTI Routing.
![]() | Note |
For a simplified conference isn't needed to configure a CTI routing. |
Example of CTI routing for make a basic conference beetwen all POTS:
[15:12:36] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:0 poi:pbx out:Mix cdi:888 sp:64000
COMMAND EXECUTED [15:13:03] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir pr:0
Last change: 20/11/2015 15:12:47 CET ---+------+-----------------+---------+--------------------+-------------------- PR |[DESCR] |BCI |POI |SR |GI |OUT |CDI |CDO ACT|NEXT |LAST |EEC |T301|CGI |CGO EDT|SP |SC |DJ |MJ |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI |SDO |SPOUT |SCOUT|DJOUT|MJOUT|LCS |LCST|SGI |SGO | |BCO |RGI |RGO |FMRLY |FAXSP|MODSP|FMLVL|ECM |UDT |IG |OG |SG |DL |DH |CODERS |CODERSOUT |TI1 .. TI5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 VOICE PBX # # Mix 888 * NO ANY NO Dft * * 64000 Sys Sys Sys Sys Sys * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
![]() | Tip |
Interesting chapter: Section 56.5, “CTI Router Overview”. |
Then the first participant make a call to number 888, he is invited to make a conference and to insert the "Conference-ID" (ROOM-ID) from 4 digits, the subsequent ones will join the conference, inserting this "Conference-ID".
Example of an ongoing conference with 3 participants:
[15:35:23] ABILIS_CPX:d ctic
SES ID Type Input Output PR State Cgi (Calling In) Cdo (Called Out) ---- ---- ---- -------- -------- --- ------ ------------------- -------------------- 6 6 VtoA 149 Mix 0 ACTIVE 49 888 7 7 VtoA 150 Mix 5 ACTIVE 50 888 8 8 VtoA 151 Mix 5 ACTIVE 51 888 [15:38:30] ABILIS_CPX:d d ctimix
RES:CtiMix -------------------------------------------------------------------- CTI_Voice_Mixer_service STATE:ACTIVE CUR-ROOMS:1 CUR-CALLS:3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SES: CG CD MixTime LegTime MIX-State Q931-State Q932-State ROOM-ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 49 888 329 329 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE 8569 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 50 888 329 285 MIXING 10-CONNECTED HELD-TO 8569 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 51 888 329 199 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE 8569 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 0 0 IDLE 00-DISCONNECTED IDLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [15:39:27] ABILIS_CPX:d de ctimix
RES:CtiMix -------------------------------------------------------------------- CTI_Voice_Mixer_service STATE:ACTIVE CUR-ROOMS:1 CUR-CALLS:3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SES: CG CD MixTime LegTime MIX-State Q931-State Q932-State ROOM-ID Coder Speed SC DftJ MaxJ CurJ TopJ AvgJ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 49 888 338 338 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE 8569 G.711A 64000 YES 80 250 40 240 60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 50 888 329 28 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE 8569 G.711A 64000 YES 80 250 80 240 62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 51 888 329 199 MIXING 10-CONNECTED IDLE 8569 G.711A 64000 YES 80 250 80 240 62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 0 0 IDLE 00-DISCONNECTED IDLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
in this example is 8569.
![]() | Tip |
Interesting chapter: Section 82.22, “How to configure a Conference”. |