Part I. Abilis CPX
Part I. Abilis CPX
Table of Contents
1. About Abilis CPX
1.1. General description
1.2. Abilis CPX structure
2. Abilis hardware
2.1. Abilis Base-D
2.2. Abilis Base-D new
2.3. Abilis Base-N
2.4. Abilis Base-P/Abilis Base-Q
2.5. Abilis VMX
2.6. Pico Abilis
2.7. Micro Abilis C3
2.8. MFIDE module
2.9. Abilis PCI boards and extension boards
2.10. USB devices
2.11. ELTI devices
2.12. Remote devices
2.13. Ethernet devices
3. Physical connections
3.1. Numbering of the physical ports
3.2. ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) connection
3.3. Importance of the impedance matching adapters (ISDN Adapter)
3.4. Connecting pots cards to patch panel
3.5. ADSL modem connection
3.6. Ethernet modem connection
3.7. VDSL modem connection
3.8. POTS protection connection
3.9. UMTS-BOX connection
3.10. RJS connection
3.11. POTSBOX connection
3.12. RVS connection
3.13. RIO connection
4. Abilis firmware
4.1. Abilis firmware
5. Abilis Compact Flash
5.1. System CF (System Compact Flashes)
5.2. Double CF handling
6. Command language
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Command Line Operations
6.3. Help online
6.4. System accessing commands
6.5. Devices
6.6. Resources or Ports
6.7. Initialization/activation/deactivation commands
6.8. General and system information
6.9. Users Table
6.10. Address book management
6.11. Lists management
6.12. Configuration validating and saving
6.13. System management
6.14. Diagnostics and Statistics
6.15. Test functionalities
6.16. Trace functionalities
6.17. DEBUG commands
7. Licencing
7.1. Introduction
8. Logging functionalities
8.1. System Log
8.2. Debug Log (Events Log)
8.3. Exceptions Log
8.4. LOG parameter
9. Console configurator
9.1. Console configurator
9.2. Example of an off-line configuration creation
9.3. Console configurator options